- 经典的算法三的二十次方除以十七,通过一个循环就能求解出结果.-classical algorithm for three of the 20-th divided by 17, a cycle can solve the result.
- Windows环境下32位汇编语言是一种全新的编程语言。它使用与C++语言相同的API接口,不仅可以用来开发出大型的软件,而且是了解操作系统运行细节的最佳方式。本书从编写应用程序的角度,从“Hello World!”这个简单的例子开始到编写多线程、注册表和网络通信等复杂的程序,通过60多个实例逐渐深入Win32汇编语言的方方面面。本书作者罗云彬拥有十余年汇编语言编程经验,是汇编编程网站http://asm.yeah.net和汇编编程论坛http://win32asm.yeah.net的站长。本
- Generates the C source code for Query Object Framework objects and provides a test environment linked against QOF to query objects, store in XML and export into SQL files. Create the fundamental object code from XML exported by any other QOF project-
- encode.v The encoder syndrome.v Syndrome generator in decoder berlekamp.v Berlekamp algorithm in decoder chien-search.v Chien search and Forney algorithm in decoder decode.v The top module of the decoder inverse.v Computes multiplic
- The application wizard has created this SoccerDoctor application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation Classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. -The application
- Here are some short instructions for use of mod-xslt. The stylesheet is specified using the Processing Instruction <?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"URL-OF-YOUR-STYLESHEET\"?> or now new <?xslt-stylesheet agent=\"
- This project should serve as an \"easy start\" with uC/FS. All pathes are relative to the project file. You should therefore be able to copy the entire directory (including all ubdirectories) to any location on your harddrive. -This project sh
- The code, images and designs for this book are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ You are free: * to copy, distribute, display, and perf
- A small Encrypter, which makes your personal Passwords much safer, you can choose between 4 different Modes, and even safe it, so you dont have to remember it. You can choose the file extension by yourself, for example: .doc , .txt , ... Ver
- key scan and lcd display file it can run in the computer with sunplus compile-key lcd display scan and file it can run in th e compile computer with sunplus
- PC Assembly Tutorial running the code in the tutorial, you need get the appropriate zip file of this! -PC Assembly Tutorial running the code in th e tutorial. you need get the appropriate zip file of this!
- he power method will be applied to the jacobian matrix of the 2-D henon map to approximate the first Lyapunov exponent by creating a graph of ln|yn| vs. n, where n is the number of iterations of the power method and yn = 1/n*ln|DG^n(xo)*yo|. Th
- this control is used for the programming with mapobject in the environment of Visual basic.-this control is used for the programming wi th mapobject in the environment of Visual basic .
- This example will show how you can determine if the specified thread is the last thread in the process or not. -This example will show how you can determin e if the specified thread is the last thread in th e process or not.
- Visual.C++程序设计技巧与实例--配套光盘 第4章 进程和线程 本章共有8个实例: 1. Process创建和终止进程 2. WorkerThread创建工作者线程 3. UIThread用户界面线程示例 4. Event使用事件对象来实现线程的同步 5. Thread使用临界区对象来实现线程的同步 6. Mutex使用互斥量对象来实现不同进程间的线程同步 7. Semaphore使用信号量对象实现线程的同步 8. MutiThread多线程任务调
- Installation of this scr ipt is simple. You just need to upload the folder sleek-pr and its content to the root directory of your website. The scr ipt can be accessed by entering -Installation of this scr ipt is simple. You just need to upload the fo
- 文本计算器是一款为经常需要使用计算器的工程项目人士而设计的软件,该软件使用简单、方便。 当需要计算数据时,在窗口中输入整个表达式(表达式可以是加+、减-、乘*、除/、平方^、括号(),以及数学函数组合),按回车后可自动计算出结果,计算方法一目了然,便于查找计算中可能出现的错误。 支持的数学函数:cos(), sin(), tg(), ctg(), abs(), sgn() or sign(), sqrt(), ln(),sh() or sinh(), ch() or cosh(), th
- 1.实验目的: 模拟实现银行家算法,用银行家算法实现资源分配。 2.实验内容: 设计五个进程{P0,P1,P2,P3,P4}共享三类资源{A,B,C}的系统,{A,B,C}的资源数量分别为10,5,7。进程可动态地申请资源和释放资源,系统按各进程的申请动态地分配资源。要求程序具有显示和打印各进程的某一时刻的资源分配表和安全序列;显示和打印各进程依次要求申请的资源号以及为某进程分配资源后的有关资源数据。 3.程序设计和说明: 函数说明:anquan( )判断给某个进程请求后系统是否安全,anqu
- Program main BIOS image | | /B - Program Boot Block | | /N - Program NVRAM | | /C - Destroy CMOS checksum | | /E - Program Embedded Controller Block | | /K - Program all non-critical blocks | | /Kn - Program n th non-critical block
- 超宽带定位系统中所用到的信号形式的程序 有跳时脉冲和跳频脉冲信号形式 -uwb signal model th-uwb