- 经典的算法三的二十次方除以十七,通过一个循环就能求解出结果.-classical algorithm for three of the 20-th divided by 17, a cycle can solve the result.
- key scan and lcd display file it can run in the computer with sunplus compile-key lcd display scan and file it can run in th e compile computer with sunplus
- PC Assembly Tutorial running the code in the tutorial, you need get the appropriate zip file of this! -PC Assembly Tutorial running the code in th e tutorial. you need get the appropriate zip file of this!
- Program main BIOS image | | /B - Program Boot Block | | /N - Program NVRAM | | /C - Destroy CMOS checksum | | /E - Program Embedded Controller Block | | /K - Program all non-critical blocks | | /Kn - Program n th non-critical block
- 超宽带定位系统中所用到的信号形式的程序 有跳时脉冲和跳频脉冲信号形式 -uwb signal model th-uwb
- 学生成绩统计90 80 70 60 50各段人数是多少-Student performance statistics 9,080,706,050 is the total number of paragraphs
- 输入两个字符串s1,s2和一个整形数n,在字符串s1的第n个位置(即下标为n的位置)开始插入字符串s2。 input 输入两个字符串s1,s2和一个整形数n output 输出处理后的字符串-Enter the two strings s1, s2, and an integer number n, the string s1 in the n-th position (subscr ipt n, location) to start inserting the string s
- 从键盘输入0~6之间的一个十进制数字,要求在屏幕的下一行显示出2的N次方的值-Input from the keyboard between 0-6 a decimal number, asked the next line of the screen shows the N-th power of 2 value
- 通过8255实现彩灯控制,由8个LED显示8个开关 的状态:开关 闭合时,则有i个LED灯亮,例如: 闭合时则相应的 、 、 亮; 闭合时则相应的 、 、亮,-Control by 8255 to achieve Lantern, 8 LEDs display the status of the eight switches: the switch is closed, then the i-th LED lights, for example: the corresponding closed
- 十个数交换位置,如输入5,则把后5个数放到前5个数位置-ten numbers you can alter the position of th different numbers
- 汇编 求2的n次方 include irvine32.inc IsZero proto ,address: ptr dword ,kind:dword 判断正数还是负数还是0 Negation proto ,address: ptr dword ,kind:dword 求相反数 .data str1 byte "请输入16进制的96位整数的低32位(8个):",0 str2 byte "请输入16进制的96位整数的中32位(8个):",0 str3 byte "请输入
- 卷积码的编码器是由一个有k个输入端、n个输出端、m节移位寄存器所构成的有限状态的有记忆系统,通常称它为时序网络。-A convolutional code encoder is composed of a k-th input terminal of the n output terminals, m section shift register constituted by a finite state memory system, the usually call timing networ
- 构建两个顺序表示的非空线性表LA和LB (数据元素为整型,其值自行确定); 从线性表LA中删除第i 个元素; 将元素e插入到线性表LB中的第i个元素之后; 假设LA中不含重复的元素 (LB同),将线性表LA和LB合并,并输出结果,要求结果存放于LA中且不含重复的元素。 要求:允许用户自行输入线性表表长、线性表中的每个数据元素以及指定i值的大小。 -Construction of two sequential said non-empty linear table (data e
- RDVV 2007 version by th turkeys
- 递归子程序实现键盘输入x与n的值,计算x的n 次幂,并在屏幕上显示.-The recursive subroutine keyboard input x and the value of n, the n-th power of x, and displayed on the screen.
- ∏={8,7,4,2,5,1,9,3,10,6} f(j)以第j个元素Pi(j)为最后一个元素的最长增长子序列的长度。 f(j) = max{f(i)+1, 1}, a[i]<a[j], 0<i<j -Π = {8,7,4,2,5,1,9,3,10,6} f (j) to the j-th element Pi (j) is the last element of the longest length of the growth promoter
- 编写递归算法,在二叉树中求位于先序序列中第k个位置的结点的值- Write a recursive algorithm, and seeking in the first sequence binary sequence of k-th position of the value of a node
- 通过一个图的权值矩阵求出它的每两点间的最短路径矩阵。 从图的带权邻接矩阵A=[a(i,j)] n×n开始,递归地进行n次更新,即由矩阵D(0)=A,按一个公式,构造出矩阵D(1);又用同样地公式由D(1)构造出D(2);……;最后又用同样的公式由D(n-1)构造出矩阵D(n)。矩阵D(n)的i行j列元素便是i号顶点到j号顶点的最短路径长度,称D(n)为图的距离矩阵,同时还可引入一个后继节点矩阵path来记录两点间的最短路径。-By weight of a graph in which eac
- 将基于混合差分策略的改进差分进化优化算法应用在PID控制器在线优化中。MDE( 改进差分 进化算法)结合了差分策略DE / rand /1的多样性和DE /best/1的高收敛速度的优点, 算法的寻优性能远超过两 种策略单独作用时的性能。此方法充分利用了差分进化的进化寻优优势与PID控制器的简单方便, 让控制器 在系统运行过程中进行自我设计和优化。-Th is pape r presen ts a new m ethod
- 在下图四个三角形中,着色三角形的个数依次构成一个数列的前4项,着色三角形的个数依次为1,3,9,27.则数列前4项都是3的指数幂,指数为序号减1。 通项公式是:An=3的N-1次方 -Four triangles in the figure below, the number of colored triangles in turn constitute a former four columns, the number of colored triangles were 1,3