2Fly音乐联播系统 v04.06
- 当你使用了本系统后,你将不再因为自己的网站的音乐 链接地址变动而烦恼了! 因为我们(心影瞬间工作室)将为随时监测链接的可用性! 这些问题,我们将为你解决! 现在我们已经推出了 《歌曲排行榜》《卡通歌曲》《新年歌曲》《民歌》 《萨克斯》《经典老歌》《天籁之音》《中国轻音乐》 等项目, 相继我们还将推出《祝福点歌系统》,以及为有一定浏 览量的网站定制《点歌系统》 欢迎加入《心影瞬间工作室》这是一个免费为大家提供 共享服务的简单组织!- After you have used this system,
- 首先,分别对8255、8253进行初始化,设置8255为A口、C口输出,设置8253的计数器0为工作模式3;其次,设置IRQ7的中断矢量,使得有IRQ7中断时调用SERVER;再次,调用INIT对计数值初始化;最后,主程序循环等待中断,开始秒表的计时。 2、 INIT子程序-First, the 8255,8253 initialization, set for the 8255 A-C mouth output, set 8253 as the Counter mode 0 3; Second
- c++和汇编语言的混合编程例子。 在VC6,vc7集成环境下调用汇编语言函数,使用变量,结构等方法的例子。-c and assembly language programming examples of mixed. The VC6, vc7 integrated environment called assembly language function, the use of variables, such as the structure of examples.
- 主要用于LCD的驱动,还有一些关于它的资料,等以后再传上来,它是驱动128*64大小的LCD,相当有用,也相当有价值,使用起也很简单!-mainly used for LCD driver, and some information about it, such as after a tame onto, it is 128 * 64-size LCD, very useful and very valuable, since use is also very simple!
- 一个很好的读写硬盘主引导区的程序. 适合于改进后做一键还原及BOOTMANAGER 等软件. -a good master boot drives to read and write the procedures. Suitable for improvement after doing a bond reduction and BOOTMANAGER software.
- 基本设计要求 1 在屏幕上显示一个适当大小的圆形,再圆形道上均匀的分配着60个点,代表1秒—60秒的位置,凡是5倍的点应当比其他的大。 2 以圆中心为轴,画一条斜线代表秒针,采用定时中断方式,每过1秒钟,秒针移动一个位置。 3 定时源可以使用试验箱上的8253。 4 按“ESC”之后,结束演示。 - The basic design requests 1 on the screen to demonstrate a suitable size the circula
- 以PIC16C57为核心,编写的发射声波,并接受声波程序。最终把声波来回的时间距离显示在led上-to PIC16C57 as the core, to prepare the launch of Sonic, and Sonic accepted procedures. Sonic eventually return to the time before the show led on
8253 8259 time
- 计时程序,对8253进行分频,使用二个计数器,使第二个计数器的OUT作为中断源,送到8259产生中断,在LED上显示时间-time procedures for the 8,253-frequency, the use of two counters, so that a second counter OUT interrupted as a source to have interrupted 8259, the time shown on the LED
- gal16v8及gal20v8的编译程序源码,小日本写的,用optasm编译(该编译软件我也没找到,手上有的朋友请告诉一声,兄弟感激不尽),可以将eqn格式的文件编译成jed格式的文件-gal16v8 gal20v8 and the compiler source, the small Japanese writing, with optasm compiler (compiler software that I have not found the hands of some friends
- 用 AT89S51 单片机的定时 / 计数器 T0 产生一秒的定时时间,作为秒计数时间,当一秒产生时,秒计数加 1 ,秒计数到 60 时,自动从 0 开始。-with AT89S51 SCM timer / counter T0 produce than the regular time, seconds count as a time when a second time when, seconds count plus one, count to 60 seconds, the automa
- 本软件实现了汇编语言级虚拟机的模拟,可以当作一个简易的汇编工具使用,同时又演示了CPU的工作过程,对于学习计算机组成原理和汇编语言是有一定帮助的-the assembly language level virtual machine simulation and can be used as a simple compilation of the use of tools, but also demonstrated the CPU process, learning theory and co
- 这是一个TEMIC卡的读卡源程序,可作为TEMIC卡应用产品的前端信息源识别模块,配合应用产品使用-This is a card reader TEMIC source, TEMIC cards can be used as the front-end applications to identify the source of information modules, combined with the use of products
- 本设计使用汇编语言来实现一个简单的基础问题,可以作为课程设计来使用,里边有详细的使用说明。-the design assembly language to achieve a simple basis, as a curriculum can be designed to use inside a detailed usage instructions.
- 本设计由单片机时钟芯片、模数转换芯片为核心,辅以必要的电路,构成了一个具有多功能的数字时钟 。能够准确的显示时间、调整时间、闹钟定时等功能。-designed by the MCU clock chip, analogue to digital converter chip as the core, supplemented by the necessary circuit, constitute a multi-function digital clock. To accurately ind
- This is an example how one could hide a process on Windows based operation systems from task viewers like ProcDump (G-RoM, Lorian & Stone) or ProcessExplorer (SysInternals). It could e.g. be used as some kind of dump protection. The way to ge
- He was the first one (I noticed of) who coded a decrypter for yC 1.2 :)...good job. Also if it hasn t full support yet >:-) So as I promised...here s the source code. I hope it helps someone.-He was the first one (I noticed of) who coded y
- 纵观市场上的安全产品,从网络防火墙到各种网络加密、个人数字签证以及早期硬盘锁,均未能对个人计算机本身进行实质性的保护。这些安全机制大都基于这样一种原理:利用一个软件,输入一个特定的密码,经过验证后即可获得合法身份,从而实现各种操作,如购物、收发公文、浏览甚至修改机密数据。众所周知,这种基于纯密码的机制是很脆弱的,所以,许多关键行业和部门都采用了软、硬结合的方式,如设立各种Smart卡认证机制。在银行工作的职工,每人都有一张代表自己电子身份的IC卡,每天上班,必须先刷卡才能进入银行的业务系统。这种
- 用汇编编的可以选择显示汽车,小鸟等动画的程序,内有说明-compilation series with the choice showed that the automobile, such as animation birdied the procedure, which is described
- 太原理工大学软件学院硬件实验,包括五个实验。-Taiyuan University of Technology as hardware experiments, including five experiments.
- 矩阵的转置函数 turn(A() As Double, AT() As Double)-The matrix transpose