- ASP.NET编写的网络像册,可以作为模板开发个人网站或其他,强烈推荐。-ASP.NET prepared by the network album artwork, as a template can develop individual sites or other, strongly recommended.
- /* 本程序实现的功能: 显示系统时间和日期 该程序主要操作是: 使用了dos的系统调用功能,输入大小写D显示系统当前日期,当输入大小写T输出当前系统时间,当输入大小写Q退出程序,当输入其他字符时,提示错误 。 主要算法:将系统时间及日期转化成字符显示,通过堆栈来排序显示,同时涉及到 坐标位置设置的转换。时间和日期的显示都只调用了一个(函数)compute,避免了代码的冗余,尽量做到简洁,同时当一次操作过后,程序处于等待状态,以进行下一次操作,而非自动退出。该程序显示时间时多次调
JSP应用开发详解 随书代码
- JSP应用开发详解第二 版, 随书代码,-THE code of the book Which is named as the detailed in JSP application development and second edition.
C++ Solutions
- The source code for \"C++ Solutions\". This book is a companion to the book that is widely recognized as \"the C++ bible\": The C++ Programming Language (third edition) by Bjarne Stroustrup. If you re a programmer, Bjarne s book comes very highly rec
- 一、安装SQL数据库 1、 打开Microsoft SQL Server 企业管理器 2、 建立一个新的数据库,名称为 XfokSite_Free (必须为这个名字) 3、选择该数据库,点击鼠标右键 -> 所有任务 -> 还原数据库 -> 从设备 -> 选择设备 -> 添加 -> 选择程序目录下的数据库里面的文件 二、安装程序 1、如果程序没有放在虚拟目录下,请把所有文件放在网站根目录下,否则会提示出错。 三、设置 1、
- 包括文件操作、图形系统、并口串口编程、鼠标编程、小型cad系统、编译器、病毒防火墙、海底大战等多个实例。-operation including documents, graphics, Serial Parallel Programming, mouse programming, small cad system, compilers, the virus firewall, such as submarine war examples.
- 图像处理光盘里面附带了很多在图像处理中经常用到的基本处理算法,如快速傅立叶变换,中值滤波等-image processing fringe discs inside a lot in image processing frequently used to deal with the basic algorithm, as Fast Fourier Transform, the value filter
- 送给同学的一个作为生日礼物的程序,很简单,vb写的。有画图,动态鼠标,播放falsh的功能。-gave classmates as a birthday gift to the procedure is very simple. Vb writes. A drawing, dynamic mouse, players stuff function.
- 大量C语言常用算法的源程序合集,可以作为初学C语言者的参考资料-large C language commonly used algorithm of the source Collection can be used as learning the C language reference
- Windows环境下32位汇编语言是一种全新的编程语言。它使用与C++语言相同的API接口,不仅可以用来开发出大型的软件,而且是了解操作系统运行细节的最佳方式。本书从编写应用程序的角度,从“Hello World!”这个简单的例子开始到编写多线程、注册表和网络通信等复杂的程序,通过60多个实例逐渐深入Win32汇编语言的方方面面。本书作者罗云彬拥有十余年汇编语言编程经验,是汇编编程网站http://asm.yeah.net和汇编编程论坛http://win32asm.yeah.net的站长。本
- 大量的java源代码集合,内含了很多java的实用程序可以作为初学java的好参考。-lot of java source code pool java includes a lot of practical procedures can be used as a good learning java reference.
- 图像处理 等方法司法 dfsaf -image processing methods such as judicial dfsaf
- 比如源程序sum ∶= first+count*10可生成四元式序列,如图1.7所示,其中ti(i=1,2,3)是编译程序生成的临时名字,用于存放运算结果的。 图1.7 id1:= id2 + id3 * 10的四元式序列-such as source sum : = 10 * The first count of creating four yuan-sequence, as shown in Figure 1.7, ti (i = 1,2,3) compiler is generatin
Tug og war
- Tug of War(A tug of war is to be arranged at the local office picnic. For the tug of war, the picnickers must be divided into two teams. Each person must be on one team or the other the number of people on the two teams must not differ by more than 1
- 模拟银行自动取款机,如查询余额,存款,取款等功能-simulated bank automated teller machines, such as balance inquiries, deposits, withdrawals and other functions
- 书籍《VisualC++经典游戏程序设计》游戏源代码,包含一些经典游戏如俄罗斯方块,连连看等源代码-books "classic games Visual C Programming" game source code include some classic games, such as Tetris, such as source code 1000 block of Terry Avenue
- 一个用FPGA实现的16FFT,仅供参考不作为工程文件-with an FPGA 16FFT, not only as a reference document projects
- VB常用算法大全.iso 光盘使用指南 本光盘包括三个子目录,内容分别如下: 1、子过程 该子目录下包含了“VB常用算法大全”书中的全部常用算法子过程。所有的 常用算法子过程按书中的章数分别放在以C开头的子目录中。 2、验证子过程 该子目录下按章存放验证上述常用算法子过程的全部验证子过程。所有这些 为验证上述子过程而编的过程按书中的章数分别放在以D开头的子目录中。 3、工程 该子目录下包含
- C++程序200个例子,其中从基础出发,由浅入深,很好的作为学习C++的配套训练。-200 C Program, in which from the base, elementary, as a good learning C + + support training.
- this an as.c file-this is an as.c file