- AWARD BIOS源代码,支持的CHIPSET请看文件,有同型号的板子烧上去就可以跑-the compressed file contains the source code of AWARD BIOS type D1D.Supported chipsets are listed in the related file.One can complie,download and run it on the mainboard if he has such one.
- AWARD BIOS源代码,支持的CHIPSET请看文件,有同型号的板子烧上去就可以跑-the compressed file contains the source code of AWARD BIOS type D1E.Supported chipsets are listed in the related file.One can complie,download and run it on the mainboard if he has such one.
- AWARD BIOS源代码,支持的CHIPSET请看文件,有同型号的板子烧上去就可以跑-the compressed file contains the source code of AWARD BIOS.Supported chipsets are listed in the related file.One can complie,download and run it on the mainboard if he has such one.
- He was the first one (I noticed of) who coded a decrypter for yC 1.2 :)...good job. Also if it hasn t full support yet >:-) So as I promised...here s the source code. I hope it helps someone.-He was the first one (I noticed of) who coded y
- Cy7c63723的完整固件 cy7c63723和CY7C63001相比,他的优点是不需加太多外部器件(包括晶振),这样就简化了电路设计,也节省了成本。 本程序就是CY7C63723的完整固件。 -Cy7c63723 the integrity and firmware cy7c63723 CY7C63001 compared He has the advantage of not increase too many external devices (including C
- 用汇编写的哦!其他也没什么说的,只是他一定要20个字,没办法拉-compilation was made with the Oh! Others have nothing to say is that he must 20 characters, not to pull the ball! !
- small c complier 它也Menuet OS的一个附件,同样他也是有汇编实现-small c complier it Menuet OS an annex, He is also a compilation of achievement
- 用汇编语言做的一个打字游戏。运行环境是MASN5.0。 1,用户打开软件时先出现欢迎界面,当用户输入字符’1’时,再进入打字界面 当用户按的是”ESC”键时,退出打字游戏 当用户输入不是数字”1”或者不是按的”ESC”键时,屏幕不动作,直到用户输入数字”1”或者按的”ESC”键时 2,打字字符从第二行开始显示(双数行为显示打字内容,单数行由用户输入) 打字内容:1), We will see his boat and then.We ll say goodbye to him.
- 这个程序是用汇编语言写的一个小程序,他实现的功能是可以去系统时间 -the procedure is written in assembler language of a small procedure, he realized the function of time can go system
- 基于DSP的交流电动机变频调速控制系统,他是比较使用的程序.-DSP-based variable frequency AC motor speed control system, he is more use of the procedure.
- 氦浓度检测仪汇编程序,供初学汇编编程者以参考。
- 黑客反汇编,据说已是绝版,有人在论坛里苦苦寻求,如果他来到这里,一定会如获至宝的。-Hacker disassembly, it is said is out of print, it was hard to find in the forums, if he came here, we will certainly treasure the.
- 输入两个两位十进制数,就可以得到他们的和,实现两个十进制书相加-Enter two decimal number two, he will receive them and to realize the sum of two decimal book
- 汇编简单文本程序,具有自动换行何退格功能-Simple procedures for the compilation of the text with Word Wrap feature HE backspace
- 1 解码的关键是如何识别0 和 1 从位的定义我们可以发现0 1 均以 0.56ms 的低电平开始不同的是高电平的宽度不同0 为 0.56ms, 1 为 1.68ms,所以 必须根据高电平的宽度区别0 和 1 如果从 0.56ms 低电平过后开始延时 0.56ms 以后 若读到的电平为低说明该位为0 反之则为1 为了可靠起 见 延时必须比0.56ms 长些 但又不能超过1.12ms,否则如果该位为0 读到的 已是下一位的高电平因此取1.12ms+0.56ms /2=0.84m
- 本程序由三部分组成:输入学生的信息(姓名和成绩);按成绩高低对学生进行排序;输出学生信息。 在输入学生的信息部分,在结构体中输入相应学生信息,输入姓名时,若输入‘!’则终止输入,转到sort排序函数;若输入超过最大数500,则也终止程序,转到sort排序函数,否则,执行循环,继续输入学生信息。 在sort排序函数部分,用到两层循环对学生进行排序。首先,拿第一个学生(i=0),用它和后面的学生进行成绩比较,如果前面的学生的分数小于后面的学生,则让两个学生在内存中的信息通过exch进行交换,
- 赛利有12枚银币。其中有11枚真币和1枚假币。假币看起来和真币没有区别,但是重量不同。但赛利不知道假币比真币轻还是重。于是他向朋友借了一架天平。朋友希望赛利称三次就能找出假币并且确定假币是轻是重。例如:如果赛利用天平称两枚硬币,发现天平平衡,说明两枚都是真的。如果赛利用一枚真币与另一枚银币比较,发现它比真币轻或重,说明它是假币。经过精心安排每次的称量,赛利保证在称三次后确定假币。-Celli has 12 silver coins. Including 11 real and one count
- 纯属恶搞.也算可以玩玩、、自己试试吧 -Purely恶搞. Can be considered to be fun, and that he try it purely恶搞. Can be considered to be fun, and that he try it
- Data Structure Help.If anyone want something about data structure of structured C programming language of Data Structure He ll fine something amazing here.He can solve anything he wants related to Data Structure
- 这个课程设计在该书中算是比较难的一个了,自己也花了大量时间编写。-This course is designed to be more difficult to book an out, and he is prepared to spend a lot of time.