- ICTCLAS的JNI调用接口文件: Title:ICTCLAS Caller * <p>Descr iption:do chinese word segmentation.don t change the pakage and CLASS name, orelse you can t use it. * 请不要改变包名、类名以及native的方法名,否则调用将失效。 * 由于ICTCLAS本身存在很多鲁棒性问题,调用segSentence时,strin
- segment,一个简单的中文分词程序,命令行如下: java -jar segmenter.jar [-b|-g|-8|-s|-t] inputfile.txt -b Big5, -g GB2312, -8 UTF-8, -s simp. chars, -t trad. chars Segmented text will be saved to inputfile.txt.seg
- 在LabVIEW中实现多语种用户界面转换的实用例程 LabVIEW Versions: Created with LabVIEW 9.0-Descr iption PassaMak is an API for realising multi-lingual user interfaces in labview. Overview: PassaMak is an alternative to the established methods of creating mult
- Actually the file paltform is verilog, But I can t find the verilog in the platform list. So I choose the VHDL.
- GPS SERVER with suport of xexum gps, send commands t-GPS SERVER with suport of xexum gps, send commands too
- Setup the Raspberry Pi to work with Matlab. Check out the Matlab Hardware Support Package documentation. This GUI based program will automatically connect to the Raspberry Pi if already configured. It shows the Pin logic values in color. The Pin head
- ANOVA decomposition kernel using a dynamic alignment algorithm for two vectorsof equal length, s and t, and character length, p. -Note that s and t are both row vectors of the same length.
- Fortran 77 to C converter by AT&T