- This PNG Delphi version 1.56 documentation (this version is a major rewrite intended to replace the previous version, 1.2). Improvements in this new version includes: This new version allows the programmer to not use Delphi heavy units which
- 百米大在职在在 大在在职 在大在职在在在在职-100 meters in the large serving in the in-service at t he in-service at the service in the
- T-CMD 是一款用 C++ 编写的后门程序,网上已有 C++ 源码发布。 在本人学习 C++ 的时候,顺便把他翻译成了 Pascal 源码,突然感觉以前感到高深莫测的 C++ 也不那么可怕了。-T-CMD paragraph C is prepared by the back door proceedings, online C source code has been released. I learn C in the time, and take him to translat
- 利用流快速导出生成EXCEL,5万笔资料只需6秒时间左右-derived using the rapid generation of Excel, 50,000 T information only about 6 seconds
- SelGateA.F.T代码此代码有一定的价值哦呵呵喜欢传世的朋友可以拿去研究下啦-SelGateA.F.T code this code there is a value-huh oh masterpieces like the friends Canal to study under Matata
- 串口温度显示源代码 使用说明: 系统要求:WIN9X/ME/NT/2000 VC++6.0 且安装了VC ACTIVEX控件(在VC6安装时选上) 简介:在VC++6.0中用MSComm控件编程,可以实现串口接收数据和发送数据,数据分别显示在接收框和发送框中。 如何建立工程:建立新文件夹,将文档用WINZIP解压后,双击 Scommtest.dsw 即可在VC6.0中打开工程文件。作者主页上有详细编程说明,每一步都列出来了,可以参 串口通迅
- 图像处理,利用bilt 函数 Descr iption: This example shows how to edit (cut,paste,copy) a selection of a bitmap using BitBlt function just like Microsoft Photo Editor does. It s really EASY! Take a look to the sample if you don t believe me and don t forget t
- 法国cromda编写的新版本MATRICE 2(矩阵和矢量运算单元)。 // ---------------------------------------------------------- // 12-01-02 : MODIFIED Matrice to Matrice2 (Delphi 6) // All routines now operate on rectangular matrix, except (InvMat and SysLin) // No
- 一个不错的QQ2009验证码自动识别程序源代码,A good QQ2009 Automatic Identification Verification Code source code
- TinyDB 是以VCL形式提供给Delphi/BCB程序员的一个小型桌面数据库引擎,目前包含TTinyTable, TTinyDatabase 和 TTinySession。-============================ TinyDB Engine Release Notes ============================= CONTENTS ======== 1. Overview 2. Contact Information
- *** HyperString v6.0 *** (c)1996-2000 EFD Systems, All rights reserved efd@mindspring.com *** THIS IS NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE *** See below for lice
- 一个注入EXE的例子程序,万一运行了也没关系,里面带了卸载程序.-An example of injection EXE program, one thousand run, it doesn t matter, it brought uninstall program.
- iocp远控比较完整的代码.iocp far more complete control of the code-iocp far more complete control of the code
- IGE传奇引擎全套代码,IGE不用我多介绍了,他的全部源代码都在此-Engine full code, the legendary IGE IGE I don t, he introduced all the source code
- Delphi的PDF开发控件,llPDFLib是一个100 的Object Pascallibrary,用于创建PDF文档。用它创建PDF文档不使用任何DLL和其他第三方软件。llPDFLib包括TPDFDocument组件并带。--llPDFLib is pure Object Pascal library for create PDF documents. This library doesn t use any DLL or external third-party software to
- 1. It is located in the root directory - SecurityBuilderDemo.exe. Leave password box blank and click on Security button in order to Add/Remove users and set user rights. Once you entered Security dialog you may select your Supervisor password. 2
- Delphi网络通信协议分析与应用实现 我觉得很经典的一本书,DELPHI开发网络应用程序讲的比较透彻,虽然内容有些老,但这些基础知识非常有用。-Delphi analysis of network communication protocols and applications I am a classic book, DELPHI stresses the development of web applications a thorough comparison, although the
- Aniicon, Delphi component that allows show animated icon files in Delphi forms. The animated icons are included in the .EXE file, so you don t have to distribute separate .ANI files. This component is freeware.-Aniicon, Delphi component that allows s
- Delphi 版 T-Cmd 源码。 T-CMD 是一款用 C++ 编写的后门程序。 自动为远程/本地主机创建服务级后门,无须使用任何额外的命令,支持本地/远程模式。 重启后,程序仍然自动运行。监听端口20540/tcp。 远程安装/卸载时,需提供管理员权限(Admin)的用户名及密码,若密码为空,请用"NULL"代替。-Delphi version of the T-Cmd source. T-CMD is a written in C++ backdoors. Automat