- Copy gen_jmsn.dll to your Winamp Plugins Directory. JMSN Auto Nickname Changer plugins support only winamp 2.x version. [StartUp] In Tools -> Options.. -> Auto Nickname tabs, Configure your prefix and postfix besides your mp3 name An
- Refer to the UML diagram above and implement the Course class. After you define the Course class, you must create a Course object with the following details: Programming I, WXES1114, taught by SMT. Besides, your program must test all the ac
- ModifySuffix用于批量修改文件后缀名,支持子文件,支持无后缀名的文件,可用于各种类型文件的后缀名的相互转换-ModifySuffix can help you modify a file s suffix in bulk. Also it supports the files in a sub-folder. Besides, it can specify one single file and only change it. The field with asterisk
- 描述了Javadoc从认识到正确的使用以及在Java编程中的重要性-It will help you recognize the Javadoc and use it correctly,besides,the importance of Javadoc in Java programming.
- 本书是EclipseLink的指导手册。 EclipseLink除了支持传统的ORM和OXM之外,另外提供了对SOA的支持,比如能够将Domain Model部署成Web Service,比如利用ORM和SDO将实体部署为SDO,甚至利用DAS来查询和修改这些实体。另外,TopLink仍然还是商业的产品,用户使用需要license,Oracle继续提供支持。-EclipseLink in addition to support the traditional ORM and OXM besi
- MultiDownloader是一款跨平台的多线程下载工具。本工具具有下载软件的基本功能,包括:下载、暂停下载和重新下载,而且还支持断点续传。本工具采用Java语言开发,可以在装有JVM1.5以上的任何操作系统上运行。本工具目前仅支持HTTP协议。-MultiDownloader is a multi-threaded downloading tool. The tool can download, pause downloading and re-download. Besides, the
- 使用java简单实现了文件系统的基本功能,并实现了虚拟磁盘的访问等一系列功能,并提供了测试代码以及一系列测试文件。-the file implements the file System use java, and realized the basic function of the virtual disk. Besides, it also provide a test code and a series of test file.
- 一个爬虫框架,除了不会反爬虫外(当然可以自己加)其他都很牛逼,用java写的。-A crawler frame, besides will not reverse the crawler themselves are added (of course) other are very cow force, written in Java.
- 该程序代码实现的功能是判断一个数是不是完数。一个正整数的因子是所有可以整除它的正整数。而一个数如果恰好等于除它本身外的因子之和,这个数就称为完数。-The function of the program code is whether a number is the number.A positive integer factors are all positive integer can be divided exactly by it.But if a number equals the b
- Posfixed 能够让网页的导航或表头等固定在顶部或底部,让用户更方便的操作或查看信息,淘宝网、易迅网等电子商务网站常常用到这种效果。除了导航和表头,也可以固定其他内容,比如广告、返回顶部等等,同时 Posfixed 也可以作为 IE6 不支持 fixed 的一个解决方案。(Posfixed can enable Web pages to be fixed on the top or bottom of the web, such as navigation or headers, to ma
- j JMusicxml是一款基于MusicXML这种开源音乐数据格式的音乐应用。这个应用基于java的awt/swing图形类库,可以用展现midi和musicxml的乐谱。((JMusicxml is a music application base on Recordare MusicXML, on kind of open musical data format. It provided midi parser and staff parser api. besides, some jav