- java编的七彩撞球-java series Colorful balls!
- 用JAVA实现有趣的小球的碰撞,实用经典程序大家共享 -using JAVA interesting collision of small balls, practical procedures classic share Thank you
- 一个全自动的反弹球,不用角度控制反弹,以小球是顺时针还是逆时针,及4种进入方向自动判断反弹结果,可以用鼠标在面版上画强,与先前的小球随机移动不同。-an automatic rebound the ball, not control the rebound angle, the ball is a small clockwise or counterclockwise. and four types of automatic judgment entered rebound in the dir
- 通过设置线程的优先级,实现两种小球的不同动作。-threaded through the establishment of priorities to achieve two small balls of different movements.
- 彈跳球遊戲,multi-threads控制每個球,碰到牆壁就會反彈
- 英国帝国理工学院电脑系多线程课程教学材料之十五 ---- 高尔夫球分配问题-At a golf club, players can hire golf balls for their game from the club and return them to the club after use. The better players, who tend not to lose any balls, only hire one or two. The less experienced playe
- 五彩连珠小游戏...我的期末作业,java 小作业...有些有点粗糙了-java game:when the same color ball in line is more than five you can delete the serious balls and abtain the score
- Information: 设计一个消球游戏 游戏规则:电脑每次随机生成3个小球,同色的连续5个或以上小球(横、竖、斜) 可以消掉。没有空位可以放球则游戏结束。-Information: the design of a ball game elimination rules of the game: the computer randomly generated each time the ball three, the same color for the five or more ba
- The most advanced work I have up to date with JOGL which is lighting with 3-D balls colliding and bouncing around and disappearing... You may edit the source code and see if you may get any interesting results!! Hopefully I will start doing something
- Bouncing ball applet
- Conceptually, the hollow matrices correspond to the systems which are little coupled. If we consider a line of balls(bullets) among which each is connected(bound) with his(her) direct neighbours by elastics(rubber bands), this system would be represe
- wow this game was fun to make. Four paddles one for each side of the applet. The balls come from where you click. you can have as many balls as you wish. control the paddles with mouse. balls are of random size and direction and color and speed. A VE
- Balls boncing in a panel off each other. Also has an add button to add more balls
- Applet that produces a specified number of balls that bounce off the walls. Pretty boring but good for beginners to learn off of.- Applet that produces a specified number of balls that bounce off the walls. Pretty boring but good for beginners t
- 弹球游戏 实现多线程编程,在不同时刻各个位置随机的弹出各种颜色的小球-Pinball multi-threaded programming, various locations at different times random pop-up balls of various colors
- 随机运动的彩色弹弹球,速度逐渐减小,双击获得动力-Color Bouncing Balls random motion, the speed decreases, double-click to get momentum
- 用java编写的模拟弹弹球,能模拟几个彩色球的循环运动。-Written with java analog Bouncing Balls, a few colored balls to simulate the cycle of movement.
- it is a java code Bouncing Balls
- 五子连珠问题。在8*8的格子里,每一步随机产生3个7种不同颜色的彩球,每一步你可以移动一个彩球使其连成5个或5个以上的直线,就可以得分(注意只是其中program6)-Five or problems. 8* 8 of the grid, every step of randomly generated 3 of 7 different colors of balls, each step so you can move a ball into a 5 or even more than 5 s
- Many Balls Screen Saver for j2ME