- 很不错的控件程序,我在网上淘到的,大家看看吧-very good control procedures, I Amoy to the Internet, you look at it
- 我为班上的班级网站做的Flash源码,大家可以看看哈,效果还不错-class I to class website, the Flash source, we will look at Kazakhstan, and the results were pretty good! !
- 一个有关天体运动的Flash源代码,有点简单,但也是本人学习时的一点收获。-a celestial movement of the Flash source code, a little simple, but I was also studying at the 1:00 harvest.
- 这是给我可爱的女朋友做的一个个人相册,也是我刚刚学写Actionscr ipt时做的第一个东东,。里面插有六首非常好听的流行曲。-This is my lovely girlfriend do a personal photo albums, I just write Actionscr ipt study done at the first page,. There are six interpolation very nicely pop songs.
- 用flash cs30编写的一个自动滚屏小程序,有意学的请先看看,希望对你有所帮助-Prepared using a flash cs30 autoscroll small procedures, interested in science, please take a look at, I hope for your help
- FLASH+SwiftMP3波形同步播放器模型 功能说明:FLASH+SwiftMP3波形同步的原理其实很简单,SwiftMP3把MP3转换成SWF的时候,把mp3中的音频数据以变量s0、s1、s2、s3、……、s17共18个变量储存,然后我们就可以根据这些变量的值即时设置波谱柱的高度了。注意我只是提供一个模型,解决了主要的技术内核,但这个播放器离实际应用还有一段距离,需要你自己去完善。 使用方法: 1,用SwiftMP3转换音乐后,请在flash_boXing.xml文件中修改你的
- The application below shows the functionality that I will be building today. It is a very simple demo that has a few games up at the top that can be added to your shopping cart by dragging them down into the basket area. Once dropped into the "basket
- This tutorial is going to build about the Flex DataGrid component. It s going to show how to do several things including how to use xml with a datagrid, how to use item renderers and label functions, and how to style and skin parts of the datagrid an
- 自己看 这个是什么!我也不清楚,随便商船一下看看能不能完整的注册好下东西-What is your look at this! I do not know, see if you can casually look at a complete merchant registered under the good stuff
- Flex内存泄露问题 FLEX内存释放优化原则 对于Flex性能我想是很多真正打算用它的人最关心的问题,也是我用了这么久之后体会比较深刻的问题, 目前我做过的系统性能也是一个大问题,在这里我总结了一些在技术上提高性能的方法。-Flex memory leak problem FLEX release memory optimization principles For Flex performance I think a lot of people who really in
- Papervision3D是一个基于Actionscr ipt的开源项目,目的在于实现更加炫丽美观、功能强大的Flash 3D Web应用程序。尤其是去年Actionscr ipt 3发布了之后,Actionscr ipt的效率得到了大幅度提升,基于此的Papervision3D无论是在效率、功能上都有了很大的提高。随着现在Web 2.0、Web-Game及休闲类竞技网络游戏的发展,相信Papervision3D的应用将会越来越广泛。 同时在Flash 大量应用的今天,Flash在 3D领域