- 这是个哈哈镜变形效果的源程序-This is the effect of deformation or DistortionLi source
- 弹跳球体,这个演示不仅仅表现了一个球体的简单弹跳过程,主要的还是向大家提供一个真实球体的制作方法:注意球体表面的光泽以及阴影。-bouncing ball, the demonstration was not just about a simple bouncing ball in the process, or to provide you with a real ball production methods : Note ball in the sunlight and shadow.
- youTubeplayer2的flash播放器,放于视频网站-youTubeplayer2 the flash player, or in Video Site
- flash中实现翻书效果的源代码,功能完善,可以用鼠标拖拽或双击实现向前或向后翻页,可以设置该页是软页还是硬页,还可以实现页的跳转-flash book to achieve the effect of the source code, complete functions, can double-click or drag the mouse to achieve forward or backward flip, can set the page is soft or hard page p
- 典型的导航源码值得大家参考学习和引用.初学着可以试着找做或是进行改动便可以用到自己的动画中.-typical navigation reference source worth learning and quoted. Beginners can try to do to find or can be altered to apply their own animation.
- 奥斯特实验,实际教学或制作动画时,值得参考!-Oster experiments, the actual teaching or animation programs, it is worth reference!
- 大概还是字体特效-about fonts or effects
- Flash 图像显示 - 滑动图片 - scroll image from right to left or left to right… click on the image and drage (left or right)
- 非常漂亮的BOOK(翻页效果),适合做个人像册或产品浏览。-very beautiful BOOK (flip effect), suitable for personal photo album or browsers.
- 这个和阿鱼的不同哦,这个无论形象和动作都更形象;生命的形成和存在都是通过运动来体现的,你说对不对;一款无论做工或表现技巧均属一流水平的作品;大家来评一评;-the fish and the different Oh, regardless of the image and the image moves more; The formation of life and existence are reflected through the campaign, you said the wrong;
- 选择图片或摄像头上传图片,并生成小头像和大头像,支持拖拽和放大缩小。-Select a picture or camera upload pictures, and generate a small picture and big picture, to support drag and zoom.
- Flash动画制作经典实例 flash制作 源码 万花筒 雪花纷飞 电光 遮罩效果 模糊效果 曝光效果 百叶窗效果-Flash animation production of the classic instance of the flash source electro-optical mask kaleidoscope effect snow or rain blur effect of the exposure effect blinds
- 用FLASH做的一个小游戏,通过摄像头或者麦克风的声控制风车的旋转.-FLASH to do with a small game, the camera or microphone through the sound control windmill rotation.
- 漂亮的翻书效果,实现手动拖拽和自动翻页,可是制作电子杂志或者电子相册等程序-Beautiful book effect, the realization of manual drag-and-drop and automatic flip, but the creation of an electronic journal or an electronic photo album program, etc.
- 凌阳8202L万能测码,可测屏\遥控\面板按键,我已用过,用编程器或下载工具烧到25T080,放在8202L解码板里就行了!-Sunplus 8202L universal testing code can be measured screen \ remote \ panel buttons, I have used, with a programmer or download the tool burn 25T080, on the 8202L decoders in on the list
- 解决Flex 通过AS3.0直接连MySql数据库 引发的安全沙箱 问题,采用JAVA servlet实现部署到Tomcat中项目中 ,在FlashPlayer 9 以上的版本通用(测试环境FlashPlayer 10,FlashPlayer11)-Solve Flex MySql database directly through AS3.0 security sandbox problems caused by using JAVA servlet deployed to the Tomca
- 该工程简介: 这个工程是用flex画图表(piechart饼状图/lineChart折线图/ColumnChart直方图),并将生产的swf文件成功嵌入到网页中,在你自己的网页中你想放的任意地方嵌入swf(flash动画)文件。 亮点: 1、三个图鼠标放在相应区域会有相应区域详细信息的显示 2、生产的piechart是加动画的 3、生产的ColumnChart是3D的圆柱状的或立方状的 4、生产的lineChart是加标准线的 5、生产的swf文件可以成功嵌入到
- 针对dm355/dm365/dm368的flash工具包。可以对flash进行包括读、写、擦除等一系列操作。如果想了解nand flash的编程或工作原理,本软件代码也是极好的参考资料-For dm355/dm365/dm368 the flash tool kit. Can be included on the flash read, write, erase and a series of operations. If you want to learn programming or nan
- TabNavigator_ScrollableMenu.非常强大,有关闭功能、Tab多了之后或自动出现滚动条。-TabNavigator_ScrollableMenu. Very powerful, there are shut-down, Tab after or more scroll bars automatically appear.
- 曲线FLASH源码,显示曲线. 用flash写的,显示股票或其它数据的曲线-FLASH source curve shows curve. Written with the flash, showing the curve of the stock or other data