- The proposed library, XMLGUI, is a tool for developing user-customizable applications. A user can change the size and position of any control on dialogs, form views, or property pages; change captions of the controls using any language; change styles
- You can compile and run MyCalendar under Linux, Windows or Other System (except DOS)
- 基于HTMLAREA源码基础上改进兼容IE7,8,9,firefox的javascr ipt在线编辑器,原件下载于codeproject.com,改进后第一次发布.原作者为Fraser cain,license为: License This article has no explicit license attached to it but may contain usage terms in the article text or the download files themselves.
- ProxyFoxDlg.h, ProxyFoxDlg.cpp - the dialog These files contain your CProxyFoxDlg class. This class defines the behavior of your application's main dialog. The dialog's template is in ProxyFox.rc, which can be edited in Microsoft Visual C++. If your
- 是一个使用jquery和ajax的jsp无刷新分页的例子,使用了struts,而且sql语句也包括在了其中。可以参考或者借用-Is a use jquery and ajax in jsp page without refreshing example of the use of struts, and the sql statements are included in them. Can refer to, or borrow
- java连接数据库和进行增删改查操作Java connect to database and do some operation such as adding,deleting,or changing. -Java connect to database and do some operation such as adding,deleting,or changing.
- jquery生成折线图:曲线图的标题,各种数据的颜色、直角坐标系,名称及数量均可自定义,可动态用AJAX方式远程载入要显示的一组或者N组数据。-jquery generate line chart: the title of the graph, the color of various data, Cartesian coordinates, name and quantity can be customized, can be remotely loaded dynamically usin
- Ajax 框架,可以用来做数型菜单或者联动下拉列表-Ajax framework that can be used to do a number of linkage-type menu or drop-down list
- 在注册或购物车结帐的时候,需要用户填入个人资料,这个环节可以简练一下,我们只需客人填入邮政编码,然后就根据这个邮政编码,自动从数据库中取出相应的省,市等地址信息。这样既可以减少客户的输入,增加客户体验,又可以减少由于资料输入而产生的错误 -Cart in the registration or checkout, the need for users to fill in personal information, click the link can be concise, we only
- I always wanted to play around with JNI. This is my first attempt so I created a utility DLL called TestImpl.dll that exports several useful functions which are difficult or impossible to implement in JAVA.
- 首先、AJAX是一种很酷的技术,一旦采用了AJAX,就能让你的Web页面, 你的网站,甚至连同你们公司,都变得很酷。在Web2.0的时代里,不使用一点 AJAX技术的网站,就会显得很老土,很落伍。 但是,这样的理解,其实是很肤浅的。仅仅是从一个外行,从一个使用者的 角度出发,来理解AJAX,就像我在本书的第一章AJAX我也行中那样,开发 出很愚蠢,甚至都没有资格被称之为AJAX应用的纯IE、XMLHTTP应用。 AJAX更酷的一点在于,对于传统的Web开发人员来说,AJA
- Niceforms是一个脚本,它用个性设计的内容替代最常用的表单元素。您可以使用Niceforms提供的默认的主题,你也可以以最小的工作量来开发自己的界面。-Niceforms is a scr ipt that will replace the most commonly used form elements with custom designed ones. You can either use the default theme that is provided or you can e
- A folder tree with support for drag and drop. Rearrange the nodes in the tree by dragging and dropping them like you do with folders in a file manager or in a mail program(Outlook, Thunderbird etc.). Ajax is used to send the new structure to the serv
- 本标签库知识产权归诺亚开源科技所有,同时本标签遵循开源组织原则,源码公开,不对使用源码作任何限制,不对源码用途承担任何责任,提供技术交流平台,不提供技术支持.对成品组件的使用(既noka.jar)保留知识产权及追究使用责任的权力(对标签参与开发内部人员不在此限制内)。为了本标签更好的发展,对源码的任何重大修改请以邮件或其它方式通知开发组织(诺亚开源科技-谢方建)-Intellectual property rights of this tag library technology to the
- Why your files are not be used? 1.The content is too simple 2.Is not a sourcecode or document 3.lost some files 4.Descr iption is not detailed or not correct 5.Compressed file has password 6.Sourcecode duplicate or already exist
- progress bar to use on asp or ajax-progress bar
- ajax代码,用户注册提示哪些注册成功或不符合要求-ajax code, which prompts users to register successfully registered or non-compliant
- sound.js 大家可以看看学习学习,还是太由用了。-sound.js we can look at learning to learn, or so the used.
- 写一个统计就业情况的程序. 程序可以: a)使用户以如下格式输入新增或减少的就业机会: August 27 b)统计:1.每个月就业情况的变化 2.就业情况最好的月份 3.就业情况最差的月份 程序中变量EmploymentStatistics存放各月的就业数,并提供方法netChange, worstMonth, bestMonth. 例如用户的输入是: August 27 February -6 March 120 April 62 May -90 J
- js模仿google265导航模块上移、下移功能,163CSS作品,获取更多请直接进入该站。 本演示示例实现网页上的各个模块点击鼠标后上移或者下移,其它模块自动填补,中国人同学录首页有这种功能,让用户自己选择适合自己浏览 习惯的模块,有效提升用户体验。-js imitation google265 navigation module shift down function, 163CSS works, for more please go directly to the station.