- Introduction Virtual Keyboard is a great tool when you can t install or use additional keyboard layouts bundled with your OS. For example, you re at the internet cafe where only En/US layout is available and you want to write some letters to your Ru
- CVS是一个明智的选择,它国际上最流行最成熟的版本控制系统。-CVS is a wise choice, it is the most popular version of the most sophisticated control system.
- In this paper, the feasibility of replacing a chaos source by an equivalent digital pseudo-random generator realized using Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) is studied. Particular emphasis is given on the digital implementation Piece-Wise Linear
- 说起中国古代军事的智囊人物,国人首屈一指的当数诸葛亮。所以如此,首先当然是诸葛文韬武略,智慧超人。但他所以能成为智者化身,以至家喻户晓,童叟皆知-Speaking of the ancient Chinese military think tank, when the number of people leading Liang. Reason for this, first of all, all a little葛文韬Wu, wisdom Superman. So he can become
- Presentation about buffer overflow exolits and how to avid them by wise programming using range checks etc.
- matlab code explained in a very lucid way with very good examples step wise
- A paper on A Pixel wise Object Tracking Algorithm with Target and Background Sample
- 对偶密钥技术的采用使无线传感器网络通信的安全性得到保障。对偶密钥中的动态密钥路径的应用又进一 步提高无线传感器网络通信的可靠性。利用层次超立方体模刑中节点编码的特性及其高容错性,提出了基于局 部弱连通性概念的簇内动态密钥路径和基于位置信息的簇间动态密钥路径的两类算法。-Security schemes of pair wise key establishment ensure communication security in wireless sensor networks.Dynamic
- Picewise stretching which takes two parameters from the user & enhances the image
- 分段线性插值法的思想精髓是, 把曲线看作若干段首尾相连的直线 段;根据每段直线的斜率来求算该线段所在区段内的数据值。相邻两 个线段的接点称为标定点。由下图可知,当标定点选择合理时,计算 结果可以非常接近实际值。 -The spirit and essence of the piece-wise linear interpolation curve as several segments of the end-to-end straight-line segment calc
- Image Segmentation. A central problem, called segmentation, is to distinguish objects from background [10]. For intensity images (ie, those represented by point-wise intensity levels) four popular approaches are: threshold techniques, edge-based
- This paper deals with the modeling of the statistical distribution of the effective gain of terminals. This incorporates both the characteristics of the antenna’s radiation pattern in the situation of use, and the characteristics of the local pro
- CRFsuite: a fast implementation of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) CRFSuite is an implementation of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) for labeling sequential data. The first priority of this software is to train and use CRF models as fast as possi
- The Vedic mathematics is quite different from conventional method of multiplication like adder and shifter. This mathematics is mainly based on sixteen principles. The multiplier (referred henceforth as Vedic multiplier) architecture base
- it gives the content of basic electrical machine for electrical engineering student it has unit wise classification
- Real-time highlight removal using intensity ratio In this paper, we propose an efficient method to separate the diffuse and specular reflection components from a single image. The method is built on the observation that, for diffuse pixels, th
- Resource Allocation for OFDM Broadcast Channels Allowing User-Wise Coding
- Four crucial issues are considered by the proposed HoAL: 1) unlike binary cases, the selection granularity for multilabel active learning need to be fined from example to examplelabel pair 2) different labels are seldom independent, and label correla
- Four crucial issues are considered by the proposed HoAL: 1) unlike binary cases, the selection granularity for multilabel active learning need to be fined from example to examplelabel pair 2) different labels are seldom independent, and label correla
- This work addresses the analysis of families of sound signals through linear transformations that map signals to each other. These transformations are modeled as Gabor multipliers, which are defined by point wise multiplication with a given transfer