- A paper on A Pixel wise Object Tracking Algorithm with Target and Background Sample
- 对偶密钥技术的采用使无线传感器网络通信的安全性得到保障。对偶密钥中的动态密钥路径的应用又进一 步提高无线传感器网络通信的可靠性。利用层次超立方体模刑中节点编码的特性及其高容错性,提出了基于局 部弱连通性概念的簇内动态密钥路径和基于位置信息的簇间动态密钥路径的两类算法。-Security schemes of pair wise key establishment ensure communication security in wireless sensor networks.Dynamic
- This paper deals with the modeling of the statistical distribution of the effective gain of terminals. This incorporates both the characteristics of the antenna’s radiation pattern in the situation of use, and the characteristics of the local pro
- The Vedic mathematics is quite different from conventional method of multiplication like adder and shifter. This mathematics is mainly based on sixteen principles. The multiplier (referred henceforth as Vedic multiplier) architecture base
- Real-time highlight removal using intensity ratio In this paper, we propose an efficient method to separate the diffuse and specular reflection components from a single image. The method is built on the observation that, for diffuse pixels, th
- Resource Allocation for OFDM Broadcast Channels Allowing User-Wise Coding
- In this letter, we propose a simple orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) scheme for an asynchronous cooperative system, where OFDM is implemented at the source node, and time-reversion and complex conjugation are implemented at the rel
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