- 随着无线mesh网络的普及,其规模和复杂程度持续发展。然而多跳的mesh网络遇到越来越多的难题,比如带宽降低,无线干扰以及网络时延等。譬如,在网络中的每一跳吞吐量会下降多达50%,连续多跳情况下吞吐量下降得更迅速,其结果将导致网络性能的严重降低。在语音和视频应用大量运行的极端情况下,时延和RF干扰将达到不可接受的程度,而导致连接完全中断-wireless mesh network with the popularity of its size and complexity of sustaina
- 随着无线mesh网络的普及,其规模和复杂程度持续发展。然而多跳的mesh网络遇到越来越多的难题,比如带宽降低,无线干扰以及网络时延等。譬如,在网络中的每一跳吞吐量会下降多达50%,连续多跳情况下吞吐量下降得更迅速,其结果将导致网络性能的严重降低。在语音和视频应用大量运行的极端情况下,时延和RF干扰将达到不可接受的程度,而导致连接完全中断-wireless mesh network with the popularity of its size and complexity of sustaina
- 总结:10、12 03学年第二学期,第17页(二) 计划 例如,由于本校的环境教育课程刚刚起步,许多教师在授课时所渗透的环保知识比较粗糙、生硬。为改变这种状况,提高教师们的能力,学校开展了“环境教育示范课”,要求每个科组选一位骨干教师上一节示范课,使全体教师有了一个学习、观摩的平台,课后教师集中讨论,交流并推广好的做法,从而迅速掌握授课技巧。 -Summing up: the second semester of the academic year 10,1203, para
- 有很多文章,例如程序员的故事,我是一个黑客,破解的故事等.-There are many articles, for example, the story of a programmer, I am a hacker, to break the story.
- This a gamehack for the game BOTS. It has thousands of lines of coding and is just an example.-This is a gamehack for the game BOTS. It has thousands of lines of coding and is just an example.
- 做一个高效的程序员——精简版,本书阐述了一系列提高程序员生产力的法则同时给出了详细的例子-A highly efficient programmers- Starter Edition, this book sets out a series of laws to improve programmer productivity at the same time gives a detailed example of
- 适合初学ADS这款软件的同学,讲解了基本的操作步骤和初学者一般困惑的问题。有简单的示例可供参考。-This software is suitable for beginners ADS students to explain the basic steps and beginner general confusion issue. A simple example for reference.
- 本书从人力资源管理人员的10大抱怨出发,将制作简历的细节、改进点、评估点,如何投递简历,如何针对岗位定制简历,以及经典简历范例一网打进,能让你的简历在最短的时间内脱颖而出。 本书不但适合应届毕业生求职使用,也适合有工作经验的职场人士更换工作时参考。-Book of human resources managers complained that the starting 10, the details of your resume will be produced to improve
- Alpha Beta pruning a Detail example.
- 这是个word形式的文件,有利于提高你的论文写作水平,哈哈,经验只谈。想表现水平高,可以通过对比,通过摆事实,让数据说话,不要自吹自擂。例如讲明了你的工作内容是解决前人未解决的问题,不言而喻是创新,没有必要强调“首次”、“填补了空白”。更不能动辄使用“奠定了基础”、“有指导意义”之类的自我吹嘘之词。-This is a word in the form of documents, help to improve your essay writing skills, ha ha, talk abo
- 暗时间就是可以归自己暗中随意支配的业余时间,既可以用来进行思维的时间,也就是没有产生直接成果的时间。比如说,看书并记住书中的东西只是记忆,并没有涉及推理,只有靠推理才能深入理解一个事物,看到别人看不到的地方,一个人走路、买菜、洗脸洗手、坐公车、逛街、出游、吃饭、睡觉,所有这些时间都可以成为“暗时间”,你可以充分利用这些时间进行思考,让你的认识能够脱离照本宣科的层面,从而进行发现和创新。-Dark time can be attributed to the own secret disposal
- 1. INTRODUCTION In a real-time kernel, it is well known that different scheduling policies lead to different system performance and different memory usage. For example, executing all the tasks in non-preemptive fashion can significantly reduc
- 我们正在告别一个激情的年代,正在告别一队曾经创造了历史而现在又行将被历史淘汰的英雄们。他们的“史诗”般的神话,正如云烟般地消散。 下面讲述的故事,便是一个个泣血的实例。-We are a passionate farewell to the era of ever being bid farewell to a team made history and now we are about to be eliminated by history' s heroes. Their &q
- 爱因斯坦传,不错的科研范例,非常值得一看的书。-Albert Einstein,a good example for all scientist, it is valued for reading.
- A site-to-site VPN allows offices in multiple fixed locations to establish secure connections with each other over a public network such as the Internet. Site-to-site VPN extends the company s network, making computer resources one location available