- 视觉游戏,利用视角差来做游戏,里面带了图片例子-visual games, the use of perspective do worse games, with a picture inside example
- Visual debugger to support debugging of haptics applications with a single point of contact. Devices are for example: Novint Falcon, Sensable Phantom or Phantom Omni
- so included. Applications The VoIP baseband device is intended to be used in a wireless phone which operates by encapsulating voice data within IP frames and transmitting the frames over a conten- tion-based wireless medium. Specifically, the f
- Its a Lex + Yacc tutorial. Very good for starting to write a compiler. Gives an elaborate example for code generation.
- 随着信息技术的发展和教育需求的不断增长,虚拟现实技术在教育中的应用更为广泛,它在环境创设、 人机交互、虚拟仿真方面的独特优势越来越受到教育界的关注。通过分析国内外Web3d 虚拟环境的研究现状,讨论 了虚拟学习环境构建的理论依据,在此基础上给出了系统构架和开发流程。以“义乌人虚拟博物馆”为例对其进行了 实现,以期为虚拟学习环境的开发提供依据。-With the development of information and technology and demand for more
- During the past years, there has been a quickly rising interest in radio access technologies for providing mobile as well as nomadic and fixed services for voice, video and data. The difference in design, implementation, and use between telecom
- The dynamic nature of computer graphics makes it a particularly interesting area of study. Research and implementation of rendering methods respond to changes in the underlying hardware. For example, in the field of interactive rendering, the e
- 问题规模化是近来信息学竞赛的一个新趋势,它意在通过扩大数据量来增加算法设计和编程实现的难度,这就向信息学竞赛的选手提出了更高层次的要求,本文试图探索一些解决此类问题的普遍性的策略。开始,本文给出了“规模化”一词的定义,并据此将其分为横向扩展和纵向扩展两种类型,分别进行论述。在探讨横向扩展问题的解决时本文是以谋划策略的“降维”思想为主要对象的;而重点讨论的是纵向扩展问题的解决,先提出了两种策略——分解法和精简法,然后结合一个具体例子研究“剪枝”在规模化问题中的应用。问题规模化是信息学竞赛向实际运用
- 结合我国基础地理数据库的情况, 提出了基于版本数据库的变化信息提取和更新发布的技术路线。 以道路要素为例, 分析了其具体实体变化情况, 论述了变化信息提取中的匹配方法, 给出了变化信息的内容定 义, 并提出变化信息更新的思路。-We develop a technique workflow of extraction and implementation of change- on2 ly information based on version databases, we take
- 在众多的计算机应用中,有一类重要的计算机应用,称为数据密集型应用,例如,管理信息系统、办公信息系统、银行信息系统、民航定票系统、情报检索系统等,这是最大的计算机应用领域,管理这种大量的、持久的、共享的数据需要数据库技术。 JDBC是Sun提供的一套数据库编程接口,由Java语言编写的类、界面组成。用JDBC编写的程序能够自动地将SQL语句传送给相应的数据库管理系统,而且通过使用JDBC,开发人员可以很方便地将SQL语句传送给几乎任何一种数据库。也就是说,开发人员可以不必写一个程序访问Orac
- GPS测量在实际生产中已经得到广泛的应用,它也成为一个真正的三维测量工具,它的平面精度是勿容置疑的,但是测高精度仍然没有得到普遍认可。本文讨论了影响GPS测高的几种因素,并以高精度的实时动态差分技术GPSRTK为例论述了GPS测高的可行性及达到的精度指标。-GPS measurements have been widely used in the actual production, it has also become a real three-dimensional measurement
- 网络学习,需要大量硬件设备实验才能熟悉各项功能,致使成本 较高,笔者在实际教学中,采用Cisco Packet Tracer 仿真网络实验软件,模拟各种组网实验,取得了良好的教学效果。Cisco Packet Tracer 是Cisco 公司开发的网络仿真工具软件,是一个为网络学习者设计的用于设计、配置和解决复杂问题的基于CCNA 层次的可 视化学习平台[1]。 随着经济的发展和国家科教兴国战略的实施,校园网络建设已逐步成为学校的基础建设项目,更成为衡量一个学校教育信息 化、
- The book explains memory management methods from DOS to Windows and Linux. The explanation gives example in in C and Assembly language (some of them are inline assembly inside a C program). The book is the most comprehensive explanation in low-level
- 这是学习spi总线的很好例子,讲得很认真。-This is a good example to learn spi bus, made it very seriously.
- the concept of data mining was summarized, and its significance that contributes to commerce was illustrated as well. Based on the characteristic, an important genetic algorithm which is widely used in data mining technology was proposed, who
- 这是我做课题是搜集的WSN(无线传感器网络)和云计算的文章。里面有概念,例子,做无线传感器网络和云计算的同学可以看看。-This is the article I do topics collected WSN (wireless sensor networks) and cloud computing. There is a concept, for example, do the wireless sensor networks and cloud computing students ca
- It is about simulations of Amesim, a very good example.
- 多示例学习是与监督学习、非监督学习和强化学习并列的第四类学习框架,目前已广泛应用于药物设计、图像搜索等领域,并已获得很好的效果。在多示例学习中,训练样本是由多个示例组成的包,包是有概念标记的,但示例本身却没有概念标记,学习的目的是预测新包的类别。-Multi-instance learning and supervised learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning tied for the fourth-class le
- 源代码和运行结果示例.给出控制点的坐标,运行该程序,可以获得相片的 六个外方元素和旋转矩阵,并对计算结果进行精度评定.-Source code and run an example of the results given the coordinates of the control points, run the program, you can get a photo of the six foreign elements and the rotation matrix, and the
- 麻省理工大学的环流模式MIT general circulation model(MITgcm)-The MITgcm (MIT General Circulation Model) is a numerical model designed for study of the atmosphere, ocean, and climate. Its non-hydrostatic formulation enables it to simulate fluid phenomena over a w