Energy detection based cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks
- Energy detection based cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks
Overview of computational intelligence for building energy system design
- Overview of computational intelligence for building energy system design。一篇关于机器学习在HVAC领域的文章,发表在SCI上
A Non-Invasive, Energy-Harvesting True Power Meter
- 一篇关于采用能量收集方式工作的电能表,密歇根大学论文。
Development and Analysis of Three layered Conductor for improved se final
- The Electromagnetic environment is an integral part of the world in which we live. Various apparatus such as radio and television broadcast stations, communication transmitters, and other radar and navigational aids radiate electromagnetic energy dur
- 光伏储能源件控制器模型Photovoltaic energy storage device controller model