- Design Specification Introduction Goals and Objectives GameForge is a graphical tool used to aid in the design and creation of video games. It attempts to bring game development down to a level that any computer savvy user can under
- 此文档是摘要 针对预警卫星测量方程的非线性 利用传统方法 如EKF 不可避免地会带来线 性化误差.该文提出了几何定位 卡尔曼滤波 GL - KF 方法 在主动段弹道位于过地心 平面的假设下 根据2 颗卫星的角度测量解算出导弹位置 将测量方程转化为线性模-The t r adi ti onal met hod EKF Woul d 1ri ng a1out t he li neari Zati on err or of t he meaSur e ment eGuati on . Ba
- Li near r egr essi on, acti ve learning We arriv ed at the lo gistic regression model when trying to explicitly model the uncertainty about the lab els in a linear c la ss ifier. The same genera l modeling approach p e rmits us to use line a