- 本文简要介绍了集成电路MAX038的性能,并给出了以MAX038波形产生器为核心具有四种输出波形的函数 信号发生器的设计方案。用这种方法设计的信号发生器具有结构简单、成本低、体积小等特点,很好地满足 了一般的实验要求。 关键词:集成电路 信号发生器 频率 Abstract:The performance ofIC_MAX038 was introduced briefly in this paper.At the sa/ne time,a signal generator des
- DVB Open Transmission Core (dvbotc) is an implementation of the DVB-T standard ETSI 300 744v1.05. It is based on opendvb, but has been heavily modied and re-written in the C language to be able to achieve the goal of Real Time encoding and modulatio