- 文献是IEEE最新的关于卫星信道和波束分配的,建立了雨衰模型。-IEEE latest on satellite channels and beam distribution of papers, articles relatively new, there is a good reference. It have set a rain_attenuation model.
- Best-first search Greedy best-first search A* search Heuristics Local search algorithms Hill-climbing search Simulated annealing search Local beam search Genetic algorithms
- This document is about research area of noise reduction techniques. Here the research area is in adaptive beam forming techniques
- The Shear Force at any point along the beam is the total forces acting perpendicular to beam longitudinal axis up to the point. The bending moment at any point along the beam is equal to the area under the shear force diagram up to that point. (Note:
- 用LABVIEW对激光光束的操作,其中介绍了仪器的组成及操作方法-The monitoring of a laser beam
- 这个也是介绍光镊的原理以及仪器的组成,不过更为详细,基础一点-Microscopic Applications of Holographic Beam Shaping and Studies of Optically Trapped
- 绘制和两条相交直线相切的圆弧 主要用于绘制纵断和钢束大样 可以用切线长和半径分别控制-Draw and arc tangent to two intersecting lines mainly used for the bulk sample drawn the vertical off and steel beam tangent length and radius control
- CT系统的射线硬化校正,Iterative correction of beam hardening artifacts in CT-Iterative correction of beam hardening artifacts in CT
- Problem descr iption In this problem, we subject the beam structure of problem 1 to an impact load as shown.
- Edge Strength Filter Based Color Filter Array InterpolationAbstract—For economic reasons, most digital cameras use color filter arrays instead of beam splitters to capture image data. As a result of this, only one of the required three color samp
- 一个简单的,低成本的装置的设计优化 对均匀光纤布拉格光栅的布拉格波长 光栅(FBG)。调谐范围是通过 为45.34 nm的基于一个原则 在强度均匀矩形梁 模拟。 -A simple, low cost setup was designed for tuning the Bragg wavelength for a uniform fiber Bragg grating (FB
- 是一篇关于干涉图傅里叶变换的外文原稿。 《从一个单一的光束的光谱计算傅里叶变换红外干涉图》-Computation of a spectrum from a single-beam Fourier-transform infrared interferogram
- This paper presents a method for estimating the spectra of water wave disturbances onfive of the six axes of a stationary, slender body underwater vehicle in an inertia dominated waveforce regime, both in head seas and in beam seas. Inertia dominated
- 将波束空间求根MUSIC算法应用于电力系统谐波检测-Roots of the beam space MUSIC algorithm is applied to the power system harmonic detection
- 针对传统电力系统中谐波检测方法存在的精确度低、抗噪性差等问题,本文将波束空间求根MUSIC 算法应用于电力系统谐波检测。-For low accuracy of traditional power system harmonics detection methods exist, and poor noise immunity, this article will beam space Root MUSIC algorithm is applied to power system harmoni
- This matlab code is use for beam analysis
- OPTICAL BEAM PROPAGATION IN NONLINEAR MEDIA. Very Good, clear document for understanding.