- he fi eld of plasmonics has grown dramatically over the past decade, and still continues growing towards new directions enabling new fundamental science and device tech-nologies. Research in this area explores how electromagnetic fi elds can be
- Normally speech signals are contaminated with noise and interference that reduces the intelligibility of speech during communication. In order to make speech signals eective and useful, they need to be enhanced from the noisy speech signal. In s
- Arabic writer identifi cation is a very active re- search fi eld. However, no standard benchmark is available for researchers in this fi eld. The aim of this competition is to gather researchers and compare recent advances in Arabic wr
- We demonstrate a new approach to CARS spectroscopy by effi ciently syn- thesizing synchronized narrow-bandwidth (less than 10 cm− 1) pump and Stokes pulses (frequency diff erence continuously tunable upto ~3000 cm− 1) based on spec
- ecent advances in electrical engineering and computer science, esp ecially in micro- electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), very-large-scale integration (VLSI) and op erating system theory, have made wireless sensor network (WSN) technologies an imp