- A 16-QAM signal X, whose power is normalized as unity, is transmitted with OFDM over the discrete-time channel model h which has been used in Homework #2 and #3. As depicted in the below figure, the transmitter (TX) is now equipped with an N-point ID
- MAX31855热电偶转换器开发流程 一、 准备硬件和相关知识 1. 硬件:一块开发板、逻辑分析仪、热电偶(常用的K型热电偶)、杜邦线等; 2. 相关知识: VHDL基础、SPI通信; 二、 max31855datasheet编程用到的部分: 1.电路连接图 2.串行接口时序特性 3 .串口时序 4.引脚分配 5.热电偶温度格式 三、程序编写 /** *****