- s3c2510详细datasheetWe have been through similar discussions with TFFS under vxWorks where we couldn t find out how many times we were actually allowed to write. > [...] > > JFSS2 does no write on fsync, as data are already written.-s3c2510 de
ColorFinder - Retrieve the color of any pixel on t
- When developing web-pages or graphics we frequently need a tool that will give us the RGB value of the color of a particular region in some other application s window. An example could be that you need to know the background color of a JPG image so t
- 用汇编语言实现简易计算器 You can use Hutch s INCLUDE and LIB files to assemble the program with the exception of the Windows.inc. If you use the EWCalc.mak file you will have to change the pointers to the proper directories. If anyone has any problems s
- There are many owner-draw button written using C++ and the MFC classes. There a lso many ActiveX controls, mostly written in Visual Basic. While with C++ you can easily use both the MFC and the OCX controls, with Visual Basic you need to convert the
- 一个按钮控件, 用法: OnInitDialog() 构框,去owner draw 属性 m_btnLamp256.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_LAMP256, this) m_btnLamp256.SetIcon(IDI_LAMP256, IDI_LAMP2) // Don t draw border for this button m_btnLamp256.DrawBorder(FALSE) -a button control, us
- Cool Progress Bar is a regular progress bar, but with some cool effects (ok, maybe I m exaggerating a bit, but this was the first name that I came up with!). It was specially made for games (where a nice progress bar when loading the gam
- 直接安装,感觉不错 直接安装,感觉不错 -direct installation, the installation of a direct feeling good, feeling good direct installation, t he installation of a direct feeling good, feeling good
- MemoryMonitor demonstrates the use of the java.lang.management API in observing the memory usage of all memory pools consumed by the application. This simple demo program queries the memory usage of each memory pool and plots the memory u
- 测试用 测试用 测试用 测试用 测试用 测试用 测试用 测试用 测试用 测试用 测试用-test t est t est t est t est t est t est t est t est t est t est t est t est t rial test test test test test test test test test test test test test using test test
- CWBButton is a WindowBlinds like resizable image button derived from a CButton. In MFC, You can use the class called CBitmapButton, but that s not enough. The size of button is the size of the bitmap, and you can t put a text by calling the API SetWi
- AddBook If your application uses MFC in a shared DLL, and your application is in a language other than the operating system s current language, you will need to copy the corresponding localized resources MFC42XXX.DLL from the Microsoft Visual C++ CD-
- 很好的一个按钮,可以实现随屏幕大小自动缩放,按钮中他图片也自动缩放。-gfdgfdg gdg dgfret er ewe rte t rty yty ty y t u e d gd srrr x r tr x r r
- 我的第一个Q应用程序T程序,很简单很简单的第一个程序啊,为什么要那么多字呢-QT helloxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- grib查看功能,有用,从别的地方下载的,看有帮助吗-grib View function, useful for downloading from somewhere else, looking for help with
- this is matlab code t his is matlab code t his is matlab code t his matlab code -this is matlab code this is matlab code this is matlab code this is matlab code this is matlab code this is matlab code this is matlab code
- Place these FILES inside the CustomPbar folder wich is found in your CustomControl project folder!!! If you don t have that then download it from here: http://thedarkjoker094.blogspot.com/2010/09/c-tutorial-create-custom-progressbar.html
- I have a habit of using the standard windows controls as little as possible. If I can write my own control to do it then I will, It s kinda like reinventing the wheel but adding spinners. Anyways this is an article on a Vista Style button that I made
- leted? The 1 source is too simple 2 is not a source 3 missing file 4 the selected categories and the development environment. 5 scribbled notes or instructions are not serious enough 6 compressed files password 7 source duplicate or alr
- 1.列表视图控件 2.曲线图控件(slider控制曲线图缩放,暂时没实现)-1 the list view control 2 curve of control (slider control graph zooming, temporarily didn t realize)