- 在在大在职 在有 在夸大区性夺奎 老大哥无可厚非 地区性笔彡有 徒刑 震一封存 在在在在赴止境止境上止上下班-in working in the area have exaggerated the sexual-kui won big understandable regional T Sending a prison Chun exist in a to end the only limit on working
- 程序运行以后,编辑框控件的光标总是闪动,如何让编辑框不显示光标-Edit control don t show caret
- This article is an elementary tutorial that shows you how you can have auto-completing combo-boxes in your Managed C++ programs. Of course it wouldn t be much of a difficulty to convert the code straight to C# or VB .NET. The technique described in t
- 我的第一个程序,用单选按钮和编辑框做的计算器的源代码,很简单。不要鄙视我,我会努力的-this is my first project,used radio button and edit control boxs to write it,very easy,don t laugh at me,i will study hard later
- 用枚举法解八皇后问题, 在8X8格的国际象棋上摆放八个皇后,使其不能互相攻击,即任意两个皇后都不能处于同一行、同一列或同一斜线上,问有多少种摆法。-Use enumeration method solution eight queen, in 8 x8 lattice chess put on eight queen, to make it can t attack each other, i.e., any two queen cannot in the same column with
- 输入一个4位无符号整数,凡需输出这4位数。例如输入上的4位数为1234,则输出的4位数是4321. 2. 编写一个程序,寻找用户输入的几个整数中的最小值。假定用户输入的第一个数值指定后面要输入的数值个数。例如,当用户输入数列为20,15,300,9,700时,程序应该能找到最小数9。 3. 有一个分数序列2/1、3/2、5/3、8/5……..求其前n项之和。 4. 求a+aa+aaa+aaaa+ ……+aaaa…aaa(n个),其中a为1~9值的整数。例如,当a=
- 一个简单的MFC的Edit例子,实现基础的CEdit函数的调用,可供学习MFC的新手参考,VC++6.0的环境,无需配置别的-Edit a simple MFC example, the realization of basic CEdit function call, can be used for reference in the learning MFC novice, vc++ 6.0 environment, don t need to configure the other