- Writing a Customizable AboutBox Component(写一个可自定义的关于组件)-Writing a Customizable AboutBox Componen t (can write a custom on the Component)
- In one project I was involved in, we had to display font selection dialog. My Product Manager had some issues with MFC s CFontDialog. He is very focused on reducing support costs by simplifying user interface, to eliminate anything that might be conf
- 一个超简单的缩放控件,自动控制其他控件自动适应窗口变化. 启动VB程序 , 打开一个工程' '按Ctrl T打开部件对话框 '找到并选中VB6ResizerLib后点击确定 '将工具箱中新出现的VB6Resizer控件拖动到窗体上即可 '被调整控件需要使用Tag属性定义调整规则 , 方式如下: 'H -调整高度 'W -调整宽度 'T -调整控件与顶部距离 'L -调整控件与左侧距离 '例如"HW"表示自动调整高度和宽度. 'TL的优先
- tab控件,很漂亮,比vb自带的tab好看多了。而且很轻巧,tab controls, very beautiful, than vb
- Windows8编程Metro App的一个自定义模态对话框控件。我们知道MessageDialog不能自定义UI,而Metro的Popup控件是非模态的,所以只能自定义模态对话框。-This is a modal popup for Win8 metro app. We known that MessageDialog can t defined UI, and Metro s Popup control is not a modal popup. so, we need to defined
- 八数码问题,MFC+A*算法实现!Open表方法!-MFC,I don t know how to miaoshu
- 这是一个矩阵字体现显示控件,使用简单,首先插入该CMatrixCtrl控件的.h和 .cpp文件到您的项目,添加一个静态控件到您的对话框资源,把静态控件修改声明为CMatrixCtrl类的一个成员变量。-This is an attempt to create a control which looks a little bit like the credits of the Matrix movie. While it isn t the greatest clone of the Matri
- VS2005编写,一个自绘很时尚简约的用于的窗口框架。-This article came as a result of trying to create a custom border for the MFC application. The simplest way to customize the window of an application is to bind it to a specific theme that gives it the look and feel we wan
- (1) 设计一个易于理解的界面,动态显示各梯的载客与运行情况(上、下或停止),动态显示各楼层的人员停留情况与要求乘梯情况;动态显示从仿真开始到目前的时间。 (2) 可变动的参数(K、N、M、L、S、T)应在程序开始时从对话框输入 -(1) to design a easy-to-understand interface, dynamic display of the ladder with the operation of the passenger (the upper and lower
- I m a student and very interested in VC++. I often enter this web site to get free source code. I was in need of a splitter in a dialog. I downloaded one but it s very complex and I felt it was difficult to use the control (although it s very powerfu
- You can use this demo to resize your dialog, It is simple,don t need to resize every control,just a Init function and a OnZie function .
- 这是一个可以方便的改变窗口控件位置模板类,完美解决了窗口大小改变时,控件大小和位置不随父窗口改变的问题!只要在你的工程中加入给文件,就可轻松实现控件的自适应!-First of all this is not a library. There is no associated DLL or LIB to link to. Secondly, it is not a class hierarchy. You don’t have to derive your classes from classe
- Magazine detailed Skippy s professional life in an August 1938 profile of the East kennels, titled "A Dog s Life in Hollywood": Movie actresses stroke Skippy lovingly. They coo at him and murmur endearing terms in his ears. He takes it all in his s
- His owner is Mrs. Gale Henry East, once a prominent movie comedienne. ... "When Skippy has to drink water in a scene, the first time he does it he really drinks. If there are retakes and he s had all the water he can drink, he ll go through the scene
- 一般我们编写的对话框在拖动窗口的时候大小不会变化,这个程序可以随着窗口的拖动动态地调整大小-Generally we write our dialog on drag the window size won t change, this program could drag along with the window dynamically adjusted size
- 实现标题栏的图标不断的变化,且在工具栏添加一个T图标,点击将弹出响应对话框。-Realize the icon of the title bar constant change, and in the toolbar to add a T icon, click will pop-up response dialog box.
- 缺省时,按下ESC键对话框就会关闭,这个程序说明如何实现按下ESC而不退出。-The default, press the ESC key dialog box will close, this program shows how to realize the press ESC and don t quit.
- 一个用MFC写的简单的计算器程序。适合新手,老鸟下了相信不会有什么作用。-A written with MFC simple calculator program. Suitable for beginners, veteran down the believe won t have what role.
- MFC快捷菜单的建立:快捷菜单+页面+对话框程序+各两种方案+案例-automatic translator can t work
- DUILib用于MFC的简单示例, 工程为VS2005, 包含DUILib1.1的源码-I don t know English, please sutdy Chinese before download it.