- 本书主要介绍在Delphi7中进行数据库应用系统的开发.前3章简要介绍数据库开发的基本知识,包括数据库开发工具、字段对象、数据查询与显示、SQL语言应用、存储过程、报表应用与开发、dbExpress编程和ADO编程等。第4章通过编程实例来说明通过数据库引擎(BDE)访问数据库的编程方法。第5章通过编程实例分别使用SQL Server数据库系统和Access数据库系统来说明Delphi7中SQL编程应用和ADO方法编程应用。本书对读者进行数据库应用开发具有非常衫的参考价值。本书源程序可以从中国水利
- 关联规则程序1 This implementation is based on the Eclat algorithm (cfr. Zaki et al., 1997). Several optimizations have been added such as the use of diffsets. -an association rules procedures This implementation is based on th e Eclat algorithm (c
- 关联规则4 NDI (Download) This implementation is based on the NDI algorithm (Calders and Goethals, 2002). Several optimizations have been added, such as a fast algorithm for the inclusion-exclusion (see Calders and Goethals, KDID 2005). The tar-ba
- 关联规则5 DIC (Download) This implementation is based on the Dynamic Itemset Counting (DIC) algorithm (cfr. Brin et al., 1997). The implementation contains no additional optimizations ans seems to perform worse than Apriori on almost all datasets I
- 991 x 624 - 60k - jpg - circuits.datasheetdir.com/248/MRF24J40-circui... Hình ả nh có thể có bả n quyề n.-991 x 624- 60k- jpg- circuits.datasheetdir.com/248/MRF24J40-circui... Hình ả nh có thể có bả n quyề
- 输入数据包含多个测试实例,每个测试实例的第一行只有一个整数n(n<=100), 表示你喜欢看的节目的总数,然后是n行数据,每行包括两个数据Ti_s,Ti_e (1<=i<=n), 分别表示第i个节目的开始和结束时间,为了简化问题,每个时间都用一个正整数表示。n=0表示输入结束,不做处理-There are two kinds of tasks, namely A and B. There are N workers and the i-th worker would l
- 简单的背包问题: 有N件物品和一个容量为V的背包。第i件物品的重量是w[i]。在给定的背包容量的前提下,将哪些物品装入背包可使这些物品的重量总和不超过背包容量,且装进去的物品数量最多。-Simple knapsack problem: there are N items and a capacity of V backpack. By weight of the i-th items that w [i]. Under the premise of a given backpack capa