- Terrain Edit Tool To load a terrain you need to use the .ox3 look the sample in [TerrainLoad] folder. But you have two chose with the texture you can add a glmateriallib to your form and load the saved texture manualy with your setting.
- 等值线 在科学计算和现实生活中,常常会遇到y=f(t)这类函数关系,例如,正弦、余弦等等。函数y=f(t)往往是以离散的观测值形式f(ti)(i=1,....N)表现出来的。例如,令股民朋友如醉如痴的K线图,与千家万户性命攸关的河流水位曲线图等等。离散函数关系有不少数据处理课题,例如,数据拟合、插值和平滑等等。最令人兴奋的还是预测,如果股民朋友能够准确把握y=f(t)的走向,钞票就会源源不断涌入口袋。如果水文学家能够准确预测河流水位暴涨的过程,可以大量减少生命和财产损失。 所谓画曲线就
- 这是本人在C++Builder6.0下写的一个类似电子白板的电子笔,请各位完善。-This is the C Builder6.0 I write under a similar electronic whiteboards T, please perfect.
- tracting t racting -tracting t racting t racting
- 一个图形生成器,我做的!挺好的! 请按照表达式的规则正确输入表达式(例如:sin(0.99*t)-0.7*cos(3.01*t))<a href=\"http://nixin.ik8.com/\">地址</a> 倪鑫的画线程序V2.0 有兴趣者欢迎联系我Email:nixin@vip.sina.com QQ:406784596 -a graphics generator, I do! Very good! Follow the rules of the
- 一个适合于初学者的绘图程序 非常简单的 对于掌握基础的VIEW和DOCMENT 有一定帮助-suited to beginners a mapping procedure very simple basis for the master and DOCMEN VIEW this will definitely help T
- 对小波系数的s变换,t+s变换,以及变换系数的规范化-of wavelet transform coefficient s, t + s transformation, and the standardization of transform coefficients
- Welcome to another S.I.V. article. For explanation of S.I.V. check out that beautiful link \"Articles by this author\". This one is (again) from a n00b, for the n00bs :-) I was reading a book (can t commercialize here..), and I saw a piece of code fo
- 演示了一张有趣的简笔自画像是如何生成的。该画像的线条极其不规则,不能用一条简单曲线来近似。-demonstration of an interesting portrait of Jane T is generated. The portrait of extremely irregular lines, which can not be a simple curve approximation.
- C++Builder编的写屏笔-C Builder series of the write screen T
- Image alignment is a process of matching one image called template (let s denote it as T) and another image I (see fig. 1). There are many applications of image alignment, such as tracking objects on video, motion analysis and many other tasks of com
- CxImage is a C++ class that can load, save, display, and transform images in a very simple and fast way. The class CxImage is free as for the TIFF, JPEG, PNG and ZLIB libraries : \"If you use this source code in a product, acknowledgement is no
- to capture pictures t o capture pictures
- Go t he command prompt and enter RAW2BMP <path> to convert the RAW files in <path> to standard Windows BMPs. Converting may take a while because it isn t optimized.
- Go t he command prompt and enter RAW2BMP <path> to convert the RAW files in <path> to standard Windows BMPs. Converting may take a while because it isn t optimized.
- 使用C++ CLI 编写的(托管C++)数据分析软件 数据格式为 float(\\t)float(\\t) 注意去掉空格。 编写的目的是分析程控电源采集的数据。
- 指纹识别中的一个步骤分支点检测的实现,使用的是我个人编写的位图操作类,本位图操作类中的算法组,可以用于所有能够返回具有指针特性图像矩阵的文档操作类库。也就是说通用性很强。算法组还包括指纹识别算法,卷积函数。位图操作类包括的方法有 tmBmp(); tmBmp(const std::string & fname, BYTE clrBit = 8 ,DWORD imW = 256,DWORD imH = 256); virtual ~tmBmp();
- 水晶图片工具:缩略图和图片浏览控制。 早在2006年,我开始在C#Windows窗体应用工作。我遇到一个项目中,我需要控制的形式显示缩略图系列,但我需要做的背景,边框和文字内容定制。我开发了一系列的控制称为水晶图片工具,已经允许我建立的应用程序同时显示缩略图和全图像。 我也许不应该命名此水晶,因为人们错误地联想到水晶报表的。我选择了一个奇迹,因为漫画人物的名字。我还想到了清晰的图像,也可能是歌曲,水晶蓝的说服力。或许,我只是一个螺母! -Back in 2006, I star
- 将*.PPT文件导出为JPG,PGN,GIF,BMP,TIF图片.-Exports JPG,PGN,GIF,BMP,TIF format pictures from*.PPT files.
- Enclosed is a suite of classes that allow you to work strictly with 32bpp DIBs, including recognizing transparency/alpha channels in gifs, icons, pngs, & bitmaps. There are a bunch of "nice to have" routines and maybe an eye-opener or two for some