- 专杀广告插件,流氓软件等. 专杀广告插件,流氓软件等.-the scrapping advertising plug-ins, rogue software. T he scrapping advertising plug-ins, rogue software. t he scrapping advertising plug-ins, rogue software.
- its my database design for my examination it is about a tourist web s database.i hope it can help you in learn the database design.-its my database design for my examination i t is about a tourist's web database.i hope it can h elp you learn i
- serial communication with PIC and graph f(t)
- There is a humorous, computing-related aphorism that goes like this: \"There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary, and those who don t.\" Besides being amusing to people who understand number representation, this saying can be used to
- if you are dreading this chapter because you don t like math-relax,C++ does all your math for you! It is a miscon ception that you have to be good at math to understand how to program computers.
Backup and restore MySQL DBs within Visual Basic
- The purpouse of this module is to backup and restore mysql databases within a Visual Basic program. Please, don't vote for this one... It is a remake of http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scr ipts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=57138&lngWId=1 which inspi
- VB多线程下载文件-VB Multithread download files
- 基于虚拟仪器的信号发生器的设计,信号发生器是一种常用信号源-Based on the signal generator virtual instrument design, signal generator is a common signal source
- 手机通过蓝牙上网不走GPRS流量,一定是很好的源代码,欢迎下载,现在此软件只能一个手机连接一台电脑上网!理论上可以七个手机同时连接一台电脑上网!有要研究七台手机连接一台电脑上网的请发邮件至 jodyyang@163.com反应大家加入!-Don t go through bluetooth phones Internet traffic, must be very GPRS good source, welcome to download this software, now only a mo
- CCIR656(BT656)标准 ITU-R Recommendation 656 - Standard Text -ITU-R Recommendation 656- Standard Text
- Many people rank public speaking as their greatest fear. But talking in front of a group doesn’t have to be the scary prospect that many people think it is. The trick is to be prepared, know your stuff, and practice until it feels completely na
- This program fetches the remote control code from a T+A- Per-Amplifier and converts it to iPod (third generation) * compatible commands. Using an iPod-powered Microcontroller, only some adapter cable are necessary to control your iPod via th
- This an older mu emulation season 4 project, this project isn t complete but is a great project base and a source for learning
- is an useless sample for opening a form and only for becoming vip membership without money. because I havn t money, I m unemployed and i m a beginner so I ve also no usefuel code - hopefulley in the future i can help-is an useless sample for opening
- In this document we will plan an improved industrial rack system .We will provide a solution to manage the project more efficiently by using improved modularity ,Automatic identification for position of particular items , adding Health and Safety fea
- Repetitive signal method for time and frequency synchronization for 3GPP long term evolution systems. A new method is proposed and comparison to the other approach is done in this article.
- 《COM技术内幕》是一本很有意思的书,可以说是中级程序员到高级程序员的过渡,有兴趣的朋友不防学学。COM,即Microsoft组件对象模型(Component Object Model),是开发软件组件的一种方法。组件实际上是一些小的二进制可执行程序,它可以给应用程序、操作系统以及其他组件提供一些服务。开发定制的COM组件就如同开发动态的、面向对象的API。多个COM对象可以连接起来以形成应用程序或组件系统,并且组件可以在运行时,在不重新链接或者编译应用程序的情况下被卸下或替换掉。Micros
- 我的COM组件依赖于从Microsoft SOAP工具包3.0(您也可以选择使用SOAP工具包2.0)的SoapClient对象。 SoapClient对象本身是很简单的,但使用它在C + +程序可能会非常棘手,因为它“绑定”在运行时的Web服务。我公司开发的COM组件是包含在XYSoapClient.dll,它使用SoapClient的内部,但更加灵活和强大,并且可以使用C + +程序很容易。你甚至可以在C程序中使用它。最好的部分是,你并不需要生成并编译一个代理类,每次你想使用一个不同的Web
- NTGraph基础上改进的绘图控件。NTGraph是著名的绘图控件,两个特点:使用简单,功能强大。但缺少一个经常会用的功能Y2轴的绘制,只能绘制XY,不能XY2。这里增加了这项功能。同时在属性页中增加了手动设置X,Y,Y2 range的功能,结合ZOOM,相当方便查看曲线细节。同时优化了效率,某些情况下减少了系统开支。-Improved drawing control based on NTGraph. NTGraph is famous drawing control, two featur
- 自动注册dm.dll,搞了很久,不知道说些啥,新手来学习的-reg dm.dll,autoreg,don t know how