- 在VB.NET的环境下,版本要高。 This a sample application that will encrypt and decrypt files in VB.NET using Rijndael Managed. I started this project because I had several files on my computer that I didn’t want accessible to anyone but me. Sure I could have do
- #usblib (SharpUSBLib) is a wrapper around the libusb project (WIN32), thus you must have it installed prior to using #usblib. Mike started this project because he wanted to program a power switch (GEMBIRD SIS-PM) with a USB port and didn t find any .
- 找到csc.exe文件,然后用搜索功能搜索csc.exe,找到路径 把程序mycontrol.cls放到有csc.exe的路径下*:\\\\*****再启动cmd.exe 如在C:\\WINDOWS\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v2.0.50727\\ /t:library /out:mycontrol.dll /r:system.dll,system.web.dll mycontrol.cls 然后enter,就ok了 然后把在C:\\WIND
- KeelKit 是一款强大的开源ORM工具,根据数据库结构自动生成.Net程序的普通Model、能与C(嵌入式Linux下GCC上能编译通过)等其他语言交互的Model、自动UI生成 查询类型化器、强劲的泛型DBHelper、支持多数据库、自动根据您的项目语言类型生成对应Model、自动生成页面和窗体代码、多种数据封送方式!针对VS的编程辅助等。-KeelKit an ORM tools, automatic generation Model, automatic generation of f
- One significant part of developers (including myself) are doing some kind of automation of Microsoft Office that was already treated by Mike Gold. So I will concentrate on opposing side of problem, how to use managed assembly from MS Office or VB scr
- C# Tutorial For Beginners - By lloyd@galador.net So you just install .NET framework and want to start using C# but you don t know where to start ? well... -C# Tutorial For Beginners- By lloyd@galador.net So you just install .NET framework
- 适用于 DL/T 1997 & 2007 规约的测试用软件,.Net 2编写,-Apply to DL/T 1997 & 2007 of the Statute of the test software,. Net 2 development,
- 此项目为企业网站类型 实现了类似于新闻发布系统 仅供学习和参考- I am sorry! I cann t
- 一个实现了精品课堂分享的网站,通过实时的更新,让用户了解最新的课堂动态,还有资源的下载和bbs等功能!-An implementation of the boutique class-sharing Web site, through real-time updates, allowing users to learn about the latest classroom dynamics, as well as resources to download and bbs and other f
- 我的期末作业 ,vs2008的通讯录。采用vb.net 语言写的,access数据库- i can t use the english explain it
- This the second article in a three article series examining a custom ASP.NET server control I developed to make using the Google Maps API easier for .NET developers. This article assumes you have read Part 1 and are familiar with the Google Maps API.
- Il s agit d une application qui permet de gérer un parc automobile en utilisant la sérialisation, il à été développé pour le BTS IG. Permet de gérer les réparations et d un parc d automobiles.
- 该系统为一纺织企业的计件工资管理系统,可按照车间部分进行管理 工资可按照产品(如:裤子、内衣、上衣)和工序(如:逢袖、见线头、内衣制作、迁裤腿、作裤子、作袖)进行计算,并可以对工资列表进行Excel导出 -The system is a piece-rate wages of textile enterprises management system can be managed in accordance with plant parts Wages in accord
- zone server update 6 final i don t know were is languache right this file-zone server update 6 final i don t know were is languache right this file
- 由我是淀粉工作室开发的少电微博的本地.net版本,需要至官网(http://t.shaondn.cn)绑定-Starch from the studio I was less developed local electric micro-Bo. Net version, need to the official Web site (http://t.shaondn.cn) binding
- 一个处理经纬度转换处理的程序,可用在坐标和GPS信号处理方面,同时提供一种保存坐标的内存和XMl文档样例 vc2003-I have seen many articles here at CodeProject about coordinates and GPS signal handling, like "Writing your own GPS Applications" and "Distance between locations using latitude and longitude
- 进入程序主页面后,即为普通用户,可以查看贴子内容,不可发表及回复贴子等操作。 在左侧树状导航按钮中单击“会员登录”或“管理员登录”按钮,即可进入会员操作界面或管理员操作界面;会员可以发表及回复贴子,但不能删除贴子;管理员具有所有权限,不但可以发表及回复帖子,还可以删除帖子及管理用户信息、角色信息等-Go to the program page after face, that is, for the average consumer, can view the posts content,
- 在线团购交付页面,在网银在线支付!有相关接口-Buy online delivery page, in the online banking online payment! Relevant interfaces
- asp.net实现腾讯开放平台快速登录源码经本人测试已经可以使用,只要申请腾讯开放平台的接口,填写对应的app_key和app_secret即可,里面附带demo就像不懂程序的人照搬就可以了-Asp.net realize tencent open platform fast login by I test is a source can be used, as long as the application of the open platform tencent interface, fil
- T分布(抽样分布),求概率与分位数的算法源码,其中包含伽马函数、阶乘、T分布函数、T分布概率、T分布分位数-T Distribution, for calculating the displacement and possibility, include Gamma function, Factorial, Displacement and Possibility arithmetic