- 此文件是 “UiQQ道” 核心代码部分,做为第一个版本,我公开代码。因为我认为这部分代码不会对社会造成影响,我希望是朋友们拿来学习, 以后的版本也许不会公开代码了,-"UiQQ Road," part of the core code, as a first version, I open code. Because I think that this code will not be part of the community, I hope, is a friend wh
- Many users have got used that Windows NT Task Manager shows all processes, and many consider that i s impossible to hide a process from Task Manager. Actually, process hiding is incredibly simple. There are lots of methods available for such a purpos
- Recently I rewatched Joanna s HITB presentation video and I noticed she said that a rootkit leveraging a single byte modification is impossible! Well I think that was a little bold to say and in my opinion it doesn t seem that infeasible that a on
- 国外收集的多个hook代码 Let s talk about kernel and drivers --- --- --- --- --- ----- Author: Holy_Father <holy_father@phreaker.net> / When you see the shadow, think about the light that causes it / Version: 1.0 english Birthday:
- 特别说明:本程序目的是更改其他程序窗口的显示内容(如数值)。用枚举主窗口和子窗口的方法只能找到有句柄的控件,发消息进行更改。对无句柄的控件就*为力了,在spy++里都无法枚举Delphi/BCB/VB的label控件的只能采用截获TextOut的方法了,没想到其他更好的办法:-)这种就是所谓的屏幕取词技术了,金山词霸用的就是这种方法。-Special Note: This procedure aims to change the window display of other content
- 是本人写的一则HOOK入门学习的鼠标记录程序,对BCB下编程,HOOK入门会有较大的帮助,代码简洁明了,绝对是原创,唯一。包括两个文件夹:DLL 和Main,可直接编译,有问题者可加我QQ:542561233讨论。-this is an example for System-Hooking programing,I think it‘s brief enough for the steping-into hooking who use C++builder。if you have any que
- 这是一个学习钩子的小程序,通过它你可以掌握钩子的API函数。-It is a hooktest program,i think it can help you learn hook API.
- MFC提供了位图处理的基础类CBitmap,可以完成位图(bmp图像)的创建、图像数据的获取等功能。虽然功能比较少,但是在对位图进行一些简单的处理时,CBitmap类还是可以胜任的。很多人可能会采用一些现成的CDib类进行位图的读取与处理,我觉得必要性不大。因为他们完成的功能差不多。 以下假设定义了数据成员:-MFC provides a base class bitmap processing CBitmap, can be done to create a bitmap (bm
- 用于恢复Windows密码。可恢复的系统包括XP Win7 Win8 Win2003等系统-uarks PwDump is a native Win32 tool to extract credentials Windows operating systems. It currently extracts : - Local accounts NT/LM hashes+ history - Domain accounts NT/LM hashes+ history - C
- 这个源码ToolHGEQ0658026Video__2549的功能个人认为还是不错的,同学们可以参考学习-The function of the source ToolHGEQ0658026Video__2549 personally think is good, the students can refer to learning
- 与大家一起分享源码Governmentqicf421442Wave3390892的功能,个人认为还是不错的-And share the source code of Governmentqicf421442Wave3390892 function, personally think that is ok
- 学习这么久了,久发现这个源码FORGER130660挺好的,真心认为不错-Learning so long, long found this source FORGER130660 quite good, really think good
- 这个源码PROBATIONER 8448PHPALRD9468的功能个人认为还是不错的,同学们可以参考学习-The function of the source PROBATIONER- 8448 phpalrd9468 personally think is good, the students can refer to learning
- 与大家一起分享源码PROFESSOR__236320MENTAL__3914581的功能,个人认为还是不错的-And share the source code of PROFESSOR__236320MENTAL__3914581 function, personally think that is ok
- 学习这么久了,久发现这个源码Other_7997Depth_32501NerveCEZVSR309挺好的,真心认为不错-Learning so long, long found this source Other_7997Depth_32501NerveCEZVSR309 quite good, really think good