- 用VC。NET写的 ,采用ORGE引擎编写的.我认为此项目还可以.请多多指教,谢谢.-VC.NET to write, using ORGE prepared by the engine. I think this project can also. A great weekend, thank you.
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- 些示例是我前天去买 Visual Basic 的书时看到的,因为盗版商正在促销买一送一。(D版软件)当然这些示例也是在盗版软件里找到的,由于光盘表面的粗糙害我心爱的光驱卡了两次盘,可能是因为这个原因现在读盘时总能听到咯噔!咯噔!声。我想她撑不了多久了,不过还好我用的是品牌机,坏了可以换新的。总之这份示例真的来之不易! 也许您已经有过了。这是一个例子DX-these examples is the day before I bought the book Visual Basic to see,
- 超级玛丽的源程序,C语言编写的一个精典游戏,相信很多人都玩过的。-Mary source, the C language a classic game, I think a lot of people have tried.
- 很多朋友认为学习游戏编程缺乏入门资料和源码,其实,DX90SDK\Samples\C++下,就有一个很完整的射击游戏完整代码-Many of my friends think that the lack of entry-learning game programming information and source code, in fact, DX90SDK \ Samples \ C++ Next, there is a complete code for the complete sho
- 一个用C++编写的Flash播放器,对于想从事有关视频方面学习的人以帮助,希望能达到触类旁通的效果!-The function of the code is to play a flash.I think is very useful for those who what to study video. I wish it can help you!
- DirectX纹理采样、纹理寻址程序,相信对初学者会有帮助的-DirectX texture sampling, texture addressing procedures, I think it would be helpful for beginners
- 是一个3D游戏界面,个人感觉很不错,还加上可以射击,对于VB来说,我觉得很GOOD-Is a 3D game interface, the individual feels really good, plus you can shoot for VB, I think it is GOOD
- // Water pixel shader How fast will colours fade out. You can also think about this // values as how clear water is. Therefore use smaller values (eg. 0.05f) // to have crystal clear water and bigger to achieve "muddy" water. // Copyright (C)