- --- ----- MyICQ是一套公开源代码的即时通讯软件,包括服务器端和客户端,可以用于互联网或局域网中。可以运行在Windows或Linux(KDE/Qt)操作系统上,这是Windows版。目前客户端程序的界面完全模仿腾讯的QQ(如果Tencent告我的话,我会马上改的:-)。 总之,如果你崇尚自由,对QQ的越来越多的广告骚扰感到深恶痛绝的话,MyICQ绝对是你很好的选择。---- ----- MyICQ is a set of open-source instant mess
- 这是一个用C#做的点对点的聊天系统,原理是通过双方的IP地址来进行聊天.在这个系统中我们不仅可以看到双方以前所聊天的内容,还可以看到对方现在所聊天的内容.我们实现这个程序的目的是想看看在用C#时我们也可以像QQ一样进行聊天,不过功能就没有QQ那么强了,这也是限于我的个人水平问题,通过这个平台,我希望有更多的高手来对这个系统不断改进,不断的完善其功能.在此我要多谢大家,多谢管理员.-This is a used C# Do peer-to-peer chat system, the princip
- The blog that I used on the early days of emesene is now used again to keep up to date information about the project, you can found it at emesene-msn.blogspot.com. As you may know, our forum was hacked by a bug on the forum code, it will be down
- 聊天室源代码欢迎大家来进一步完善本人初来乍到请大家多多关照-Chat room source code to further improve the welcome everyone I had just arrived at that, please take care of everyone thanks a lot
- 蛮久以前写的一个通讯软件,分为客户端和服务端。当时记得运行成功后激动了好一阵-Quite a long time ago to write a communications software and services into the client side. At that time, I remember the excitement after a successful run a good
- ichat可视聊天下了好久才下到的我还没来得急看呢-ichat video chat for a long time before the next I have not come down to the anxious look at it
- 我自己编写的Java聊天小程序 有兴趣的可以看看 顺便帮我指出错误-I own a small program written in Java chat interested can look at me the way that error
- Title: AI Chat Descr iption: AI Chat records all conversations into an array. Then it randomizes the array and spits the sentences back out. BUT THATS NOT ALL!! It says the scentences, in english, through your speakers! I thought it was prety cool
- 在先前已上传的那个版本上做了一点改进: 1.将服务器与客户端之间的通讯命令做了处理,这次采用特殊编码格式的命令控制方式,摒弃了先前版本中采用的通过解码成字符串的命令格式,避免了解码过程中会出现的bug(特殊情况下此bug才会出现,表现为将内部命令作为消息正文打印出来。。。让我很受伤。。) 2.增加了闪屏振动功能(一看就知道模仿MSN的。。没创意。。。),可以群振,也可以点对点振,反正振你没商量! 3.修正了其他的一些小bug。 程序截图还是先前版本的
- 这是一个为程序员和电脑爱好者制作的迷你控制台QQ即时通讯软件,享受它。公开源码。-MyQQ is a cross-platform library for communication which uses a TencentQQ-like protocol to communicate with friends on the Internet. It can work well now and maintained by Xiaoxia (gdxxhg@gmail.com).