- Free BSD下TCP/IP协议栈的实现。虽然不是很新,但是许多其他TCP/IP协议栈都是参考它实现的。如果学习的话,建议看这个版本,原滋原味-Free BSD TCP / IP protocol stack is achieved. Although it is not new, but many other TCP / IP protocol stack is the realization of reference it. If learning, I suggest they look
- tcp-ip学习笔记是本人从vckbase.com把8个网页打包的,我起初学的时候就是看这些文档,写的不错,希望能和大家一起分享。-tcp - ip study notes from my vckbase.com eight pages packed, first I learn is when we look at these documents, written in good, and he hopes to share with everyone.
- Descr iption: This network consists of 22 nodes. After creating the nam file and trace file, we set up topography object. Set node_ ($i) [$ns node] is used to create the nodes. Here we set the initial position for the every node by using init
- In this article w ill look at how to program using sockets by implementing an echo server along with a client that we will use to send and receive string messages. I will start off by giving a quick introduction to TCP/IP fundamentals and then ex
- Socket测试工具包的开发 第一阶段,先开发客户端,第二阶段 开发服务端. 1.GPS坐标数据的解析与转化, 比如开始和结尾判断后,中间取字符串的方式. 使用什么样的编码. 2.Json数据的解析与转化,快速的发送类的一种方式,不用考虑那么多的字节转化方式 3.最简单的是发送字符串,这样的功能市面上都有。 我要能够发送字节串,可以写一个16进制串,然后发送出去. 可以定时发送. 4.多个客户端同时发送数据. 模拟数量,然后以列表的形式看发送和返回的数据. 5.添加的测试服务器和