- 用java编写的放烟花程序,非常漂亮 他可以实现多种颜色,天空是黑色的 是给爱人的较好礼物-with fireworks prepared by the procedures, he was very beautiful colors can be achieved, the sky is black is better to love and gifts!
- 最强的公开源程序的中国象棋引擎ElephantEye0.91b 据说他可以战胜深蓝-most of the open source chess engine ElephantEye0.91b said he can overcome the deep blue waters
- 一个我在夏季学期用VB做的程序,作为夏季学期的作业我拿了个A哦.请各位指教一下.其中的悔棋功能实现了,但撤销悔棋却失败了.给点意见吧.-a summer semester, I do VB procedures, as the summer semester of operation, I took a long, oh. Please enlighten about. The realization he never cheat in spain, but he never cheat in
- 一个经典的休闲小游戏——俄罗斯方块,当你疲惫的时候他能给你带来欢乐!-a small leisure classic games -- Tetris, when you tired of the time he would give you joy!
- 有人工智能和联网对弈功能。画面自我感觉还行。人工智能弱了些。有双方落子记录、悔棋。还有“电脑代理功能”也就是不论和电脑还是联网和其他人下,中途离开,可以选电脑代理。此时电脑利用AI和对方下。-a game artificial intelligence and networking functions. Feeling self-images also OK. Some weak artificial intelligence. The two sides Kutno record, he ne
- 这是一款人机对弈的中国象棋程序,可以选择搜索层数,可以悔棋。-This is a man-machine chess players, the Chinese procedures, we can choose to search floors, he never cheat in spain.
- 魔羯之辉黑白棋第二版,在第一版的基础上加上了多线程控制,重新编写代码,代码可读性更强,程序逻辑更清晰,界面更漂亮,网络对战功能没有来得及做.只要把程序中的黑白棋类代码拿出来就可以迅速编出自己的黑白棋游戏.-Jose Zhihui reversi second edition, the first edition on the basis of a multi-threaded with control, to rewrite code, code readability and logic pr
- delphi游戏开发最新的工具 2D3D都可以,到官方去下载,免费 这是DEMO-the latest game development tools 2D3D he can go to the official download, which is free DEMO
- java新手,简单的吞食蛇游戏,一边写一边查书,写了半天才弄出来 没法把jar文件附在文章后面,想试试的人自己编译一下吧 有意见尽管提,高手多多指导,不过骂人就算了-newcomers, the simple swallow snake game, the side he wrote check book, and only a half-day can not get put out documents attached to the jar behind the arti
- 这是一款非常细巧,但功能强大的五子棋游戏软件。不仅有级别设置,先后手设置,还有悔棋,和棋,认输等多种功能。 并且界面友好,还能处理在运行时出现的各种异常情况。-This a very Sinocalanus, but powerful 331 game software. Not only level settings, have set in hand, he never cheat in spain, a draw in chess, and other functions to co
she (2)
- java新手,简单的吞食蛇游戏,一边写一边查书,写了半天才弄出来 没法把jar文件附在文章后面,想试试的人自己编译一下吧 有意见尽管提,高手多多指导,不过骂人就算了 -newcomers, the simple swallow snake game, the side he wrote check book, and only a half-day can not get put out documents attached to the jar behind the
- 主要功能实现二人对弈,可以悔棋.没有什么复杂的算法,只做了关于走子的限制.-achieve two key functions plays, he never cheat in spain. Nothing complex algorithm, doing walk-on restrictions.
- 主要功能实现二人对弈,人机对弈,可以悔棋.其中关于人机对弈,我用了一个权值进行比较来实现,就是对双方(双二,双三,双四,冲二,冲三,冲四)(当然每种情况的分值都有悬殊)的和来比较大小,取最大的那个点,智能算中下.-achieve two main functions, plays, man-machine game, he never cheat in spain. Which players on the plane, I use the weights for a comparison to
- 这是一款猜数游戏,很类似于幸运52,当你输入数的时候他会自动判断大小-guess this is a few games, very similar to the lucky 52, when you enter the number of times he will automatically size judgment
- 游戏方式有点模访中游,让很多人在一个聊天室里选择你想跟他对局的人与他对局,但功能还不完善,详情请看说明。-games rather equivocal visit midstream, so many people in a chat room of your choice like he's having with his bureau, but function is not perfect, For details see Note.
- 特别提示: 不要使用TC编译,因为TC最多只能编译2000行,而本程序有2500行,推荐使用工具Win-Tc。 程序写的比较仓促,bug很多在所难免,还望大家批评指正。 真诚的希望能和大家相互交流,共同提高。 去年暑假,本人闲来无聊写了一个C语言图形模式下的五子棋游戏,有如下功能: 1.使用鼠标控制 2.能够实现人机对战,并判断胜负 3.能够保存棋局和玩家所走的每一步,并且可以按步骤还原棋局 4.玩家能够悔棋、和棋、认输 5.保存每一个玩家的分数到一个文件中
- java新手,简单的吞食蛇游戏,一边写一边查书,写了半天才弄出来 没法把jar文件附在文章后面-newcomers, the simple swallow snake games, check the side he wrote, writing for a long time he has made not only put jar files attached to the back article
- 一个很好玩的手机游戏,JAVA编写,已经通过真机测试-a very fun and games, JAVA preparation, he has passed the true test
- Stendhal is a full fledged multiplayer online adventures game (MMORPG) developed using the Arianne game development system. -Stendhal is a full fledged multiplayer onl produced mostly in developed areas adventures game (MMORPG) developed using t he A
- 封包截取源码,vc,可以提供对指定ip地址与本地机通讯的网络包的截取。对*编程中截取封包编程非常有帮助,而且可以用他来做封包数据分析。-packet interception source, vc, can provide to the designated ip addresses with a local communications network packet interception. Programming on external packet interception progr