- delphi游戏开发最新的工具 2D3D都可以,到官方去下载,免费 这是DEMO-the latest game development tools 2D3D he can go to the official download, which is free DEMO
- Stendhal is a full fledged multiplayer online adventures game (MMORPG) developed using the Arianne game development system. -Stendhal is a full fledged multiplayer onl produced mostly in developed areas adventures game (MMORPG) developed using t he A
- 传奇的引擎M2 Engine版! 我不怎么懂!需要的就下!-legendary M2 Engine version of the engine! He did not understand me! Need on the next!
- 《游戏编程入门》 作者:(美)MICHAEL MORRISON,译者:徐刚 于健 薛雷 这本书介绍了游戏引擎的编写及其应用。但我看这本书的时候没有拿到配套光盘,所以根据书上的部分代码自己补充完成了下面5个代码,和光盘中的例子应该是不一样的。 游戏引擎类:GameEngine,不能编译可执行代码 引擎使用案例:Blizzard、UFO、Slideshow、CropCircle,可以编译执行 这个是-"game programming Easy" Autho
- popcap 公司的游戏引擎。 popcap 是国外的一个很牛的二D休闲游戏的制作公司。他的游戏引擎是开源的,但是不免费。是相当好的游戏代码。里面包括引擎代码,多个例子代码,其中一个例子完成度比较高。本人研究过,写得太好了。-popcap the game engine. Popcap abroad is a very cattle D leisure two games production companies. He is the engine of the game revenue,
- 同Beauty一样,这是16位色的版本,他继承了Beauty好学好用的特点。这次更新的版本加快了显示的速度,比以前的版本快了将近一倍。-with Beauty, which is 16-color version, he inherited the Beauty studious handy features. This updated version shows the accelerated pace than the previous version has nearly doubled.
- 這是一個2D引擎,最大的特點是好用,非常適合做演示,做小遊戲, 他效率不高,功能不是很全,但是使用方便,把開發者從底層中解放出來,尤其圖形、文字渲染部分,使用絕對的簡單,如果你不想在DX 2D渲染上糾纏不清,如果你想快速做一個2D演示,這個就是你想要的!,This is a 2D engine, the biggest feature is easy to use, very suitable for presentations, small game, he is not high effic
- 是网狐内核源码?一般都是缺的。这是内核源码可以用vs2005-zhe shi wang hu nei he yuan ma?yi ban dou keyi yong .
- IGE传奇登录器配置器源代码,多了不说了,不懂的就别下,我不想说他价值几万几万的,俗-IGE Legend login configuration device source code, do not say much, and do not know to do, I do not want to say that he was worth tens of thousands of tens of thousands, and vulgar ..
- 看过《C++游戏编程》的同学们都知道这本书里实现的那个2D引擎是在DevCpp的IDE下完成的这对于用惯了VC的我感觉十分不便,便把它“移植”到了VC6.0的IDE下,这样用起来就十分方便了!-Read " C++ game programming," the students are aware that this book achieved in DevCpp 2D engine is under the IDE are used to complete this for
- allegro是一个c/c++的游戏库,免费,开源,最初作者是shawn hargreaves,他支持DOS,UNIX(Linux, FreeBSD, Irix, Solaris, Darwin), Windows, QNX, BeOS 还有 MacOS X.提供了大量的图形,声音,玩家输入(键盘,鼠标,游戏手柄),定时器等函数。它支持定点和浮点-allegro is a c/c++ game library, free, open source, the original author is
- 开发安卓平台2D OpenGL游戏引擎的活跃GLES2分支源码,基于OpenGL ES 2.0开发。-Android 2D OpenGL Game Engine. As you guys are probably already aware, since a couple of months, the current main active development branch is the so called GLES2 branch. He main difference to the
- 是一款2d游戏引擎,用了他可以轻松的进行2d游戏编程。-A 2d game engine, with he can easily 2d game programming.
- c控制台图形库 graphics.h she he chuxue zhe-c console graphics library graphics.h she he chuxue zhe
- doing的终极地狱完整版。可以说doing的这个版本在ES2架构中算首屈一指的,虽然他说自己的作品很粗糙,但在多年来的国内MUD界来说,其严谨细致的思路及程序写法是绝对可以值得借鉴学习。可惜doing曾经说过,不太有可能再写文字MUD,如果可能再写也不会做现有hell架构的MUD。但这个版本足以是我们受益非浅了。-doing the ultimate hell full version. You can say that doing this version ES2 architecture
- unity引擎人物合并,减少drawca-unity yin qing ren wu he bing,jian shao drawcall