- 51汇编语言,格式为.chm文件,这个好象就是九十年代初孙涵芳(如果我没记错的话)写的一 本书后附的子程序。子程序不全对,至少有个除法的余数有问题,扩大了2倍,我记不清是哪个了,你把其中的一个左移语句去掉就行了,别的记不得了。欢迎常联系。-51 assembly language format. Chm documentation, It was like the early 1990s-wu (if I remember correctly so) wrote a book attached
- 你是单片机初学者吗?那一定很想有一些源程序和电路图指导你吧!?那就看看这个单片机实验用程序及原理图集吧-you SCM beginners? I certainly would like to have some source circuit and guidance you! ? Then look at the MCU experimental procedures and principles Atlas it
- 前一阵子做了个IC卡读写程序,可以读写SLE4442系统逻辑加密卡的,本来想在网上找一个,没找到,自己写了一个,为了让后来人可以轻松一点,所以就奉献给大家:) 注释比较少(本人的坏习惯),看起来有点累,不过建议你在自己看之前先熟悉一下SLE4442的协议。 程序是经过测试的,在我的931上工作的很好,有什么问题,发信给我 Ploto_zhu@etang.com-done a while ago, IC card reader procedures, can read and writ
- 微机原理的资料,还可以,大家看看,谢谢我啊,传好东西上来-computer theories information, but also that we look at, ah, I thank you and pass onto good things
- atmega8的BootLoad程序,需写入M8之中,现已在Atmega8芯片上测试通过。我已使用它做了几个项目,除第一次使用下载线,以后写片子只用串口线.-atmega8 BootLoad the procedures required to be included in M8, which is available at Atmega8 chip test. I have to use it to do several projects, in addition to the first u
- atmega8的BootLoad程序,此为上为机软件,现已在Atmega8芯片上测试通过。我已使用它做了几个项目,除第一次使用下载线,以后写片子只用串口线. -atmega8 the BootLoad procedures, such as for the software, which is available at Atmega8 chip test. I have to use it to do several projects, in addition to the first us
- 智能计时计数器 有计两脉冲间隔时间、几脉冲间隔时间、30秒脉冲数等,还有就是根据这些时间做一些运算,51,牵涉到LCD,汇编C混合,计时器的使用。 本人首个正式产品,各位兄弟见笑了。原理图、程序、图片都有。-counter a smart time or two pulse intervals, pulse several time intervals, 30 seconds pulse, and so on. There is, according to the time to do
- 都是单片机的子程序,请看看,我想要TEA5767的程序-are SCM subroutine, please look at, I want TEA5767 procedures
- 实现pc机键盘(p/s2接口)与8位单片机连接使用 原理:键盘时钟接在p3.2口,既8051的外部中断int0上,键盘数据接到p1.0上 每次按键,键盘会向单片机发脉冲使单片机发生外部中断,数据有p1.0口一位一位传进来 传回的数据格式为:1位开始位(0),8位数据位(所按按键的通码,用来识别按键),1位校验位(奇校验) 1位结束位(1) 实现:将键盘发回的数据放到一个缓冲区里(数组),当按键结束后发生内部中断来处理所按的按键 缺点:由于51单片机的容量有限所以缓冲区不可
- 行列键盘的学习是单片机学习的必经之路,可是对了初学者来说学习起来并 不容易。书上的资料不多,或是说明不细,抑或太复杂不易理解。我在学行列键 盘时也有过此类的问题,近日我发现了一个非常好的行列扫描的方式——线反转 法行列键盘扫描,它简单易懂,非常适合初学者学习,也可作为程序开发之用。-ranks keyboard of learning is a must to learn microcontroller, but to a newcomer learning together is
- EBU格式加GPS0183对时完整实现程序源代码,值得收藏和直接应用,是本人实际的程序!-EBU format at the right increase GPS0183 achieving complete source code, it is worth collecting and direct application I is the actual procedure.
- 我看了一个外国的朋友关于相机的程序.试着编个程序看看.-I read a foreign friends on the cameras procedures. Try to look at the series processes.
- tcpip.rar 是一个51控制8019的程序,我已用于商用.还很稳定,有兴趣的可以看一下,对TCP IP UDP ICMP ARP RARP HTTP均可以实现.-tcpip.rar control is a 8019 51 procedures I have used the business. very stable, which is interested can look at it. TCP UDP ICMP IP ARP RARP HTTP are to be attained.
- 使用AT89C2051为核心的一个摇摆棒程序,有电路图,在摇摆的时候会动态显示\"I LOVE YOU\",送给心爱的人-use at the core of a swinging stick procedures, circuit diagrams, in a swinging time dynamic display will be the "I LOVE YOU" and gave a lovely person
- 摘 要:目的分析一般单片机变频调速系统的特点,通过引入专用芯片SA4828改善控制性能。方法通过单片机与SA4828芯片相结合实现对交流异步机的变频调速,给出了硬件电路和软件设计流程。结果系统充分发挥了SA4828的自身特性,分担了部分控制工作,减轻了单片机的任务,单片机可余出机时备作它用,同时系统可靠性增加。结论相对于单纯的单片机控制变频调速系统,引入SA4828的系统控制效果更好。 -Abstract : analysis of the general purpose microcont
- This prj demonstrates how to use the SROM memory classes for the Dallas DS80C400. This example uses the memcpy function to copy a function in the SROM memory class (which is located in CODE memory) to von Neumann mapped XDATA (starting at 0x110000) f
- TLV1544与TMS320VC5402通过串行口连接,此时,A/D转换芯片作为从设备,DSP提供帧同步和输入/输出时钟信号。TLV1544与DSP之间数据交换的时序图如图3所示。 开始时, 为高电平(芯片处于非激活状态),DATA IN和I/OCLK无效,DATAOUT处于高阻状态。当串行接口使CS变低(激活),芯片开始工作,I/OCLK和DATAIN能使DATA OUT不再处于高阻状态。DSP通过I/OCLK引脚提供输入/输出时钟8序列,当由DSP提供的帧同步脉冲到来后
- Swfdec still is development software, but has also followed a rigid no-crashes-allowed policy. I believe it s stable enough now to be installed as a default plugin for people that can live with occasional crashes of their browser. But don t
- 用51单片机I/O口模拟串口通信,在较低的比特率下能有较好的通信效果,尤其在单片机串口不够用时,模拟串口是很好的解决方法。-With 51 single-chip I/O port simulation of serial communications, at a lower bit rate to have better communication effects, especially in single-chip serial port when not enough to simulat
- 用软件调试助手进行GSM模块AT指令调试步骤的总结,经验!!我是在这个基础上掌握GSM模块进行GSM模块和单片机的通信数据传输。-Software debugging assistant GSM module AT commands to debug a summary of the steps, experience! ! I am a master on the basis of GSM module GSM communication modules and single-chip dat