This VHDL code pertains to the DCO model
- code.doc C.1 DCO LEVEL 2 This VHDL code pertains to the DCO model descr iption in Section 6.5.5. The entity declaration of the level 2 DCO is between lines 18 and 39. The VHDL generics or elaboration-phase parameter constants are declared between
- Very simple USB 1.1 PHY. Includes all the goodies: serial/parallel conversion, bit stuffing/unstuffing, NRZI encoding decoding. Uses a simplified UTMI interface. Currently doesn t do any error checking in the RX section [should probably check f
- Top module name : SHIFTER (File name : SHIFTER.v) 2. Input pins: SHIFT [3:0], IN [15:0], SIGN, RIGHT. 3. Output pins: OUT [15:0]. 4. Input signals generated from test pattern are latched in one cycle and are synchronized at clock rising edge.
- Top module name : SHIFTER (File name : SHIFTER.v) 2. Input pins: SHIFT [3:0], IN [15:0], SIGN, RIGHT. 3. Output pins: OUT [15:0]. 4. Input signals generated from test pattern are latched in one cycle and are synchronized at clock rising edge.
- I2C程序, 已经验证过了 ,大家看看看!-I2C procedures, has already been verified, we take a look at to see!
- 电话VHDL,需要的可以看看,多提意见 ,本人不才 只能写这样的-Tel VHDL, can look at the needs and opinions, I can only write this不才
- 这是本人在学FPEG/VHDL快速工程实践入门与提高一书时所写的相关代码。可是本人辛苦整理出来的啊。希望对大家有帮助了-This is my study at FPEG/VHDL Express entry and improve engineering practice when the book written by one of the relevant code. However hard I organize out ah. Hope to have helped the U.S. .
- Single power supply operation — Full voltage range: 2.7 to 3.6 volt read, erase, and program operations — Separate VCCQ for 5 volt I/O tolerance n Automated Program and Erase — Page program: 512 + 16 bytes — Block erase: 8 K + 256 bytes
- vhdl教程,很实用的,至少我认为对于我的课程设计有帮助-vhdl tutorial is very useful, at least I think that the curriculum design for my help
- Module Function Descr iption: This module allows a SPI ROM to be used in a LX/CS5536 system. Details are below: 1.Provide a memory window to the SPI EPROM at FFF80000h-FFFFFFFFh (512KB). 2.Provide an interface to the SPI bus to allow the
- 这是我上电子线路设计课程时自己写的数字钟设计的整个工程.网上下载安装quartus II软件后双击clock.sof打开调试.若软件说没有权限,请删除db文件夹后再试. 文件夹中附带我的实验报告,其中详细讲解了我的设计思路\软件架构\可能出现的问题等等. 调试步骤就不讲了,管脚分配请网友自行完成. 开发板 Altera Cyclone II EP2C35F672C6 软件平台 Quartus II 语言 verilogHDL-These are all the project
- simple counter I hope that will be useful. written in class at school I hope that is useful for all concerned
- parity generator Parity bits are extra signals which are added to a data word to enable error checking. There are two types of Parity - even and odd. An even parity generator will produce a logic 1 at its output if the data word contains an odd num
- A priority encoder is a circuit or algorithm that compresses multiple binary inputs into a smaller number of outputs. The output of a priority encoder is the binary representation of the ordinal number starting from zero of the most significant input
- Introduction This report is organized as following.First, it is divided into chapter 2 to chapter 12. Within each chapter, VHDL code is presented at the beginning of each problem. Then, simulation results for these codes is also included. For s
- 以FPGA 芯片为平台构建了数字信号滤波实时处理模块, 给出了 50Hz 陷波器的切比雪夫Ê 型 IIR 数字 滤波器 4 阶级联的结构, 提出了对滤波器系数量化的逼近方法, 完成了基于 FPGA 的陷波器实现, 并成功地实现了 对含有工频 50Hz 噪声干扰的心电信号的滤波处理, 通过与M at lab 计算所得到的滤波处理效果进行比较分析, 结 果表明: 基于FPGA 采用切比雪夫Ê 型 4 级级联结构的 IIR 数字滤波器的误差满足设计要求- W ith t
- 数字抢答器① 用EDA实训仪的I/O设备和PLD芯片实现智能电子抢答器的计。 ② 智能电子抢答器可容纳4组参赛者抢答,每组设一个抢答钮。 ③ 电路具有第一抢答信号的鉴别和锁存功能。在主持人将复位按钮按下后开始抢答,并用EDA实训仪上的八段数码管显示抢答者的序号,同时扬声器发出“嘟嘟”的响声,并维持3秒钟,此时电路自锁,不再接受其他选手的抢答信号。 ④ 设计一个计分电路,每组在开始时设置为100分,抢答后由主持人计分,答对一次加10分,答错一次减10分。 ⑤ 设计一个犯规电路,对提
- 我自己写的在STC(AT)89C51上用的出租车计价器程序,绝对可用的,放心下载吧-I wrote in the STC (AT) on the 89 C51 with the meter taxi program, absolute available, feel free to download it
- 自己编写的一个计数器分频,通过调整计数周期和计数值,可以获得不同频率,不同占空比的分频时钟-I have written a counter divider by adjusting the count period and the count value can be obtained at different frequencies, different duty cycles of the divided clock
- iic 总线在设计时要看你所使用的器件的传输或接收时序 只要会一个,其他的都一样 以下是我在一本书上看到的,感觉很不错,你看看就会用了 -as long as the will a the iic bus depends on the devices you use in the design of the transmission or reception of timing, other-like following, I saw in a book, I feel very g