- 结合电机控制系统主板的设计, 介绍了数字信号处理器和复杂可编程逻辑器件在该系统中的应用, 先后 从硬件结构、器件编程、软件设计等方面, 详细阐述了系统功能和特点。实验表明, 两者的结合, 可提高整个系统 的实时性、控制精度和可靠性。-Abstract: Th is paper discusses the development of DSP and is app licat ion in elect ric mach ine, especially int roduces DSP’s
- Examples on Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the C6713 and C6416 DSK
- Wiley Book---"Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the C6713 and C6416 DSK" 的源代码-Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the C6713 and C6416 DSK----Source Code
- 简述DSP处理器的发展概况, 着重介绍TMS320VC5402 DSK 的软、硬件平台, 并介绍一个基于此平台的自适应数字滤波器的算法实验。-Th is paper generally in t roduced the developmen t of DSP and pu temphasison the sof tw are and hard2w are workbench of TM S320VC5402 DSK. A nexperimen tal examp le of adap t ive
- dsp lab programs with tutiorials and matlab programs also especially for jntu kakinada university dsp lab programs 4 th year 1st semister
- Descr iption of th g21k compiler