- 一个游戏 the hardware for the game includes a number of displays, each with a button and -- a light, that each represent a bin that can store marbles (beans). -- -- The display indicates the number of marbles in each bin at any given time. --
- -- Booth Multiplier -- This file contains all the entity-architectures for a complete -- k-bit x k-bit Booth multiplier. -- the design makes use of the new shift operators available in the VHDL-93 std -- this design passes the Synplify synthe
- Language writes with VHDL demonstrates the design on the monitor the source program用VHDL 语言写的在显示器上显示图案的程序-writes with VHDL Language demonstrates th e design on the monitor program with the source VHDL The language was on display in the pictorial proc
- 前向MLP网络的FPGA实现MLP network prior to the FPGA implementation-MLP network prior to the FPGA implementation
- vhdl add code and sub code. also some more codings ae th-vhdl add code and sub code. also some more codings ae thee
- 以FPGA 芯片为平台构建了数字信号滤波实时处理模块, 给出了 50Hz 陷波器的切比雪夫Ê 型 IIR 数字 滤波器 4 阶级联的结构, 提出了对滤波器系数量化的逼近方法, 完成了基于 FPGA 的陷波器实现, 并成功地实现了 对含有工频 50Hz 噪声干扰的心电信号的滤波处理, 通过与M at lab 计算所得到的滤波处理效果进行比较分析, 结 果表明: 基于FPGA 采用切比雪夫Ê 型 4 级级联结构的 IIR 数字滤波器的误差满足设计要求- W ith t
- 几篇解读FPGA内部时序问题的好文章,从最近本的Tco,Tsu,Th等入门。一直到如何对时序进行约束,如何处理各种影响FPGA时钟的因素。如何读懂时序图(Interpreting the Timing Diagram) -FPGA internal timing problems read several good articles, from the most recent of Tco, Tsu, Th and other entry. How the timing has to be co
- 极值点遍历算法,将n次一维极值点遍历结果比较,输出。-Traversal algorithm for extreme points, the n-th one-dimensional extreme points traverse the results of the output.
- Card count any show thị led 7 segment-Card count any show thị led 7 segment
- 数字频率计 具有4位显示,能自动根据7位十进制计数的结果,自动选择有效数据的 --说 明:高4位进行动态显示。所显示的结果是数码管显示的数据乘以十的N次方;N对应发光二极管的右边点亮的第几位就是几,如果如果最右边的一个被点亮的话,频率就等于显示的 --数值乘以10的一次方。频率的测量范围是0~9,999,999HZ。-Digital frequency meter with four automatically according to the result of seven decim
- 2的n次方分频设计,可以实现任意分频。使用verilog编写-n th power of 2 crossover design, you can achieve any frequency. Use verilog to write