- This code detects memory leaks in embedded VC++ almost the same way crtdbg does in VC++. At the end of program execution it will display in the debug window if there were any memory leaks and how the memory looks so you can identify where your memory
- windows mobile下tapi实现监视电话线路的程序。vs2008下创建,并在windows mobile 6.1下通过测试。-TAPI Programming on Windows Mobile August 16, 2008, 8:03 pm Download the source code TAPI stands for Telephony Application Programming Interface. TAPI is the Microsoft impl
- Wince 初学者应当看下这本书,他可以帮助你快速入门.-Wince beginners should facie this book, he can help you get started.
- evc下的第一个程序“hello”,虽然不是很复杂,但是他是入门的第一步,是建立工程的一个范例-EVC procedures under the first " hello" , though not very complicated, but he is the first step to entry, set up the project are an example of
- wince 下的串口编程,自己试过,可用-serial port programming under the wince he never used
- CE版本的XTALK程序。它包括服务器和客户端两部分。其中对套接字I/O的并发采用线程+select机制,对于屏幕刷新则采用消息机制。主要功能是一个简单的群聊工具,一个客服发言,服务器对其广播。同时,他可以跟桌面Windows版本的程序通信。-CE versions of XTALK procedures. It includes server and client in two parts. Which socket I/O concurrent threads+ select the mec
- Boot Loader 是嵌入式系统开发的重要环节之一。通过博创公司的嵌入式产品UP2NETARM24102S ,详细介 绍了在移植Windows CE 嵌入式操作系统之前Boot Loader 的开发步骤和烧写过程。重点分析了Boot Loader 的原理、启 动、编译过程,编译环境,并给出了Boot Loader 的编程模型和算法框架。有利于全面正确地了解Boot Loader- Boot L oader is one of t he key p a rts in embedded
- wince 5.0何添加串口2和串口3的驱动-He added wince 5.0 3 serial 2 and serial port driver
Serial sample
- he Serial (16550-based RS-232) sample driver is a WDF version of the inbox Serial.sys driver in %WINDIR%\system32\drivers.