- 帮同学写的代码,把一块区域随即分割为固定大小的若干区域,并在每个区域随机种子,可以做位实验数据,希望能给其他朋友有所帮助-help students write the code, then a regional division of the fixed size of a number of regional and random seeds in each region that can be done at the experimental data, in hopes of givin
- 这是一个非常有用的一画曲线的源程序,不要错过这个好程序,下载看一下会对你有所帮助的-This is a very useful one painting curve of the source, should not miss this good procedures, Download would you look at the help
CORE 图形系统
- Graph with no options takes pairs of points (two numbers per line) from the given file (or standard input) as x- and y- values and plots them on the screen, connected by straight lines. A string surrounded by quotes \"...\" may follow a pair
- 本源代码实现的是在屏幕上移动一辆自行车。自行车移动的同时旋转它的脚蹬。实现的方法为:绘制出一个完整的自行车映像,以及一系列脚蹬处于不同位置的较小映像,绘制完后按照一定的顺序重复显示这些映像,以达到动画的目的。-source code is realized on the screen a mobile bicycle. Mobile bicycle while rotating the sneaking. The way to achieve : mapping out a complete b
- 消息中有什么? 是否觉得一个消息记录中的信息像希腊语一样?如果是这样,那么看一看下面的解释: hwnd 32位的窗口句柄。窗口可以是任何类型的屏幕对象,因为Win32能够维护大多数可视对象的句柄(窗口、对话框、按钮、编辑框等)。 message 用于区别其他消息的常量值,这些常量可以是Windows单元中预定义的常量,也可以是自定义的常量。 wParam 通常是一个与消息有关的常量值,也可能是窗口或控件的句柄。 lParam 通常是一个指向内存中
- 本程序读去系统显示汉字时的路径数据,并用点和曲线将汉字显示出来-this procedure to read Chinese characters at the system shows the path, and the data point and the curve will show Chinese
- 本源码是本人初学VC进行的有关图形图像编程实践的一个实例,目的简单图元绘制-the source of my beginner VC for the graphics and video programming examples of a practice aimed at drawing a simple map
- 非真实感绘制的例子 The goal of this project is to explore the idea of point-based radiosity, which is a shooting radiosity technique suggested by Mark Harris at UNC. The primary idea is that features available in graphics hardware can be utilized to p
- 用vc++写的一个简单的绘图程序,能实现画直线时的橡皮筋效果。初学者可以看看。请站长笑纳!-with vc + + to write a simple drawing program, able to line drawing of the rubber-band effect. Beginners can look at. Please station heart!
- about draw.exe (source file draw7.f) 11/12/2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 作用: 读入m12,m13,e11等程序的网格数据,输出.eps格式的图片 (Windows下免费的.eps文件查看软件 http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/) 用法: 1.程序运行时,首先出现提示
- 以同一个点为起始点,画任意多的直线,所有直线的末端点连成曲线-to the same point as a starting point, drawing arbitrary number of straight lines, all straight points at the end of the connection between curves
- 一款绿色GIS地图软件,解压即可使用,对GIS初学者有一定的引导作用,可以看一看。-GIS map software, can be extracted using the GIS beginners guide to a certain extent, can look at.
- YUV数据的直接显示,用于那些对yuv不是很了解的人还是很有帮助的,请大家看看吧-YUV data directly, for those who do not know much about yuv person or helpful, If you look at it
- An alternative to Matlab s HIST, function HISTW prevents extreme values in top and bottom percentiles of an input vector affecting the histogram s scaling, obscuring location and shape of the distribution s main mass. Limits of x and y (maximum only)
- mfc 进行绘图的一个平台。 CGFramework is an auxiliary framework for some homework in the course of Computer Graphics. It aims at shielding the students from complex windows programming issues, and helps them focus on the graphics algorithms, rather than some
- This file contains one-line descr iptions of the geometry filters. Geometry Manipulation --------------------- flipply - flip the orientation of faces normalsply - compute surface normal vectors at vertices xformply - transform vertic
- ZedGraph is a set of classes, written in C#, for creating 2D line and bar graphs of arbitrary datasets. The classes provide a high degree of flexibility -- almost every aspect of the graph can be user-modified. At the same time, usage of the classes
- 随意在平面上绘图并有位图顺着轨迹移动-at random plane graphics and bitmap along the trajectory mobile
- 采用两种不同的方法绘制曲线 a) 二次B样条曲线 二次B样条曲线段的函数表达式为 (1) 其中 为控制顶点。 说明: ① 对任给定的一组控制顶点 ,每相邻三个控制顶点为一组进行曲线段绘制。即 为一组, 为一组,…, 为一组,所有曲线段连在一起即构成了整个B样条曲线。事实上,前一条曲线段的终点即是下一条曲线段的起点。 ② 在每一段曲线的绘制过程中, 取不同的值便得到曲线上不同的点。例如 时,由公式(1)可得到曲线的起点, 时可计算得到曲线的终点。为处理方便,可进行等距离选择,如10等份, 依次取0
- C\S版(客户端界面包含图像浏览,任意角度旋转 度数可调) 使用.net绘图工具drawing 实现图片任意角度旋转-C \ S edition (client interface includes images browsing, arbitrary Angle rotation degree adjustable) Use the.net drawing tools drawing Realize image rotation at any Angle