pix-show Opencv图像处理
- Opencv图像处理,在彩色图像中点击图像任意一点,显示改点的RGB值-Opencv image processing, color image, click on the image at any point, change the point of the RGB value display
- 模式识别大作业题目和实习代码: (1)请自己在互联网上任意找一张图片用做测试,命名为“学号后四_Original”。放在C++工程文件夹下(与CPP文件放在同一文件夹)。用C++调用OpenCV函数对该幅图片进行读入和显示操作。 (2)在(1)基础上,添加修改代码,将原图转换成灰度图像,并保存,命名为“学号后四位_Gray”。 (3) 请利用OpenCV中Sobel,Laplace,Canny算法相应函数对(2)中图像进行处理,并保存,命名为“学号后四位_Sobel”或“学号后四位_
- OpenCV采集USB摄像头视频,随时保存一帧图像-OpenCV USB camera video capture, save an image at any time
- matlab 进行图像的hough变换提取直线一共有3个工程文件 一次下来都可以试运行!!保证可以的!-hough transform matlab image to extract the straight line, a total of three project files at once down can test run! ! Guarantee!
- surf 方法 直接能运行 配上opencv 图像特征点匹配 sift方法的改进版本,在时间上面大大提高同时在光照方面比sift要好很多-Methods can be run directly coupled surf opencv image feature point matching method sift improved version of the above at the time of greatly increased both the light much better th
- opencv 图像处理 包括人脸识别 并且和c#结合一起使用 做了一个界面 形成软件-opencv image processing include face recognition, and combined with the use of c# do a formed at the interface software
- 从csdn上找到的关于opencv的详细介绍,需要的可以看一下-From csdn find a detailed descr iption on the opencv, need to look at
- 察看图像的通道数据,单通道,三通道,采用opencv+vc6.0-Look at the image of the channel data, single, three-channel, using opencv+ vc6.0
- 这个是在刚学opencv时候的测试小代码。主要是卷积方面的,对图像进行滤波处理。同时,里面含有自编了一个简单函数滤波函数。里面每个文件均可以单独运行在VS20101平台下。(opencv2.1)-This is just a test when a small learning opencv code. Is the convolution of the main aspects of image filtering. At the same time, which contains a sim
- 这个是在刚学opencv时候的测试小代码。主要是图像特征提取方面的。同时,里面含有自编了canny、角点检测还有一些其他。里面每个文件均可以单独运行在VS20101平台下。(opencv2.1)-This is just a test when a small learning opencv code. The main aspects of the image feature extraction. At the same time, which includes self-compiled
- stem will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory. If you have not registered, Please [regist first].You should upload at least five s
- opencv 简单的图片输出功能 可以查看代码 修改路径输出你自己的图片-opencv image output function can simply look at the code to modify the output path of your own pictures
- 工业机器人手眼标定程序:包括cv的摄像头标定和自己编写的手眼标定程序。通过摄像头采集从至少三个不同的角度采集张正友标定块的三幅图像,即可自动完成手眼标定。标定结果在eyehandparams.txt中。-Industrial robot hand-eye calibration procedures: including cv camera calibration and preparation of their own hand-eye calibration procedure. Colle
- VC6.0 + QT4 + OpenCV 环境。演示视频地址http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA3MTU2Mzky.html (低角度车流量检测器)一种基于车头特征的车辆检测,很好的应用于低角度摄像机。与地感线圈车检器相比,解决了跟车问题。与传统基于背景建模的检测方法相比,解决了道路拥堵问题并解决了传统方法受限于摄像机必须架设很高的问题。同时能有效去除自行车、摩托车、行人的干扰,准确率可达95 。 all rights reserved by birdwcp-V
- 人脸检测。利用到了opencv跟qt 好东西哦,可以看一下。-Face detection. Qt to use opencv with good things Oh, you can look at.
- 通过手工标注从照片中取样皮肤,然后对输入视频进行皮肤检测,将费皮肤处显示为蓝色。-Sampling skin, skin testing, then the input video fee skin is displayed at the blue label from the photo by hand.
- opencv 提供了使用基于颜色的跟踪算法camshift, 很好的算法,可是它是个半自动的算法,它需要用户在跟踪界面设定跟踪的目标。怎么预先设定目标再来跟踪呢? 本人偷了个懒,加入了用一张图片来设定跟踪的目标,在启动中加载图片,生成跟踪需要的histogram。这样实现了自动化的跟踪吧。-opencv using color-based tracking algorithm camshift provide a good algorithm, but it is a semi-automati
- openCV下关于3D视频视差提取的程序,可以得到深度图的代码-The codes for extracting the disparity from the 3D video. You can get a disparity map at last.
- 1. 首先把兩張圖讀進來,求出高與寬和設定time的最大值 2. 利用atan()這個數學函式算出角度,以圖的中心為基準width/2和height/2 把x,y帶入atan(-(y-height/2)/(x-width/2))*180/PI - 當求出的角度<隨著時間比例變的角度,則將新的圖覆蓋到舊的圖 - 反之,用舊的圖覆蓋舊的圖 3. 但是,這會產生一個問題,因為斜率一樣,且atan()求出的角度範圍只有-90~90度,所以一三象限或者二四象限會發生同時wi
- 编程环境:VS+OPENCV ,对于初学者学习基于opencv的图像处理非常有帮助,此节点主要是用at访问像素点的一些方法。(Programming environment: VS + OPENCV, for beginners to learn based on opencv image processing is very helpful, this node is mainly used to access some of the pixels point method.)