- 能计算CAD复合线的面积,同时可剔除其中封闭区域,并自动标注面积-Can calculate the area of CAD composite line, which closed at the same time eliminate the regional and automatically mark area
- opendwg的DWGdirect DRX SDK DrxSDK_2.07.zip-The DWGdirect DRX SDK is a package that allows users to create extensions for DWGdirect-based applications. DRX applications can access the data in a DWG/DXF drawing file, add custom commands to the global DW
- 矩量法分析小型偶极子在不同介质交界面处的电磁场计算方法。利用HermiteGauss数值插值的算法。请慎重下载。-Moment method analysis of a small dipole at the interface of different media, electromagnetic field calculation. Using HermiteGauss numerical interpolation algorithm. Please carefully download.
- 本示例段演示了从点云创建曲面的操作,然后从曲面上抽取一条等参数线作为加工曲面时的切触点轨迹线,把该切触点轨迹线离散得到单个的切触点。对于曲面上的每个切触点,访问曲面在该点处的信息并采用球头刀加工时刀尖点的位置并从该点画出刀轴所在的直线。在此程序段中,刀轴矢量默认为与z轴平行,对应书中5.8.3中的示例程序。 运行要求: (路径上不能有中文)1、打开UG NX3.0或以上版本,新建一个.prt文件 2、使用快捷键"Ctrl+U",出现选择对话框,选择程序所在的位置。 使用"Fit"功能
- 在许多地理地形图中,等高线取点的过程通常是繁琐单调的。本文利用VBA 对AutoCAD 进行二次开发,简化了等高线取点的过程。通过ActiveX 技术,程序实现取点生成的数据以 Excel 方式保存,使得数据便于处理分析,并实现VBA 程序随AutoCAD 启动时自动加载,简化了操作,提高了工作效率-In many geographic topographic maps, the contour points to take the process is usually tedious mono
- 最新的反编译lisp软件,能快速地反编译处Lisp源码。-Decompile lisp software can quickly decompile at the Lisp source.
- yes this great look at this right now it is coding-yes this is great look at this right now it is coding
- 一个简单的批量插入块,(command "_insert" ts pt "4" "")-This program insert the symbols at the digital poinds
- proe二次开发异步模式的简单实现。主要功能是可以实现proe程序的打开和关闭,学习proe二次开发的同学可以-simple realization of the the proe secondary development of asynchronous mode. The main function is to proe program to open and close the students learning the proe secondary development can tak
- 实现在线交汇处打断于点。lisp源码,在cad命令行打appload加载即可使用-breaking line at intersect point
- 为了让广大朋友在做CAD图时方便制,不再去自建模型,再传家电模型图块-In order to make the majority of my friends are doing CAD drawings made at a convenient time, and not to self-built model, re-transmission block appliance model
- 程序模拟AutoCAD中进行线的交互绘制。点可以通过使用鼠标点击屏幕,或者键盘输入来获取,绘制的同时可以使用w命令来设置线宽,c命令来设置线的颜色,o来结束绘制(回车或者ESC键也行)。VS2005 + objectARX2007环境,对arx的学习还是很有帮助的。个人。-Simulate AutoCAD draw polyline.You can select a point to draw line,at the same time,you can also set entity prope
- 通过CAD的二次开发,实现块的创建与简单应用,需要使用CAD运行环境才能查看程序成果-Through the secondary development of CAD, the realization of creation and simple application of the block, you need to use the CAD results to look at the program running environment
- 建立柱子与柱名的联系 利用电子版建筑图纸,建立砼柱与柱名的关联,使得识别柱子轮廓时,也同时将该柱名赋于该柱。 -Establishes the pillar and the column relation use electronic version construction blueprint, the establishment tong column and a column connection, when causes the recognition pillar outlin
- 本程序在CAd中查找并有选择的替换字符串,本程序的特点是把找到的字符串高亮度、大比例显示在屏幕中间。-this lisp search an replace text string in CAD,the lisp program can highlight the text string and enlarge de textstring at screen center.
- 自动归整cad线条,快捷键可以自己修改(在源码顶部)-Cad to surrender the whole line, shortcut keys can modify their own (in the source at the top)
- 读取DXF文件和保存DXF文件,处理通用实体,并且加入了Polygon和Polyface的接口-his is not a complete DXF reader package, but it handles most entities that are commonly found. With this release I ve added the Polygon mesh and Polyface mesh varieties of POLYLINE, so a great
- 在CAD中输入AP,加载下载的LSP程序:IncArrayV1-7.lsp。 加载成功后,插件提供两个命令:incarray和inarrayd。 Incarray是Incremental Array的简写,inarrayd的d表示动态(dynamic),在光标拖动的过程中可以看到阵列的效果。两个功能的效果可分别参看顶部的小视频。 两个命令的提示是一样的,首先设置增量,然后选择对象,然后就是设置阵列的间距和总距离,提示如下: Specify increment <1>: (设
- 線段接合 PLINE線同一高度接合為ㄧ條線 請點選同一圖層線(PLINE line joining the same line at the same height as a line, click the same layer line)
- DXF-SCR翻译器:能够将DXF文件中的实体部分用SCR文件来生成(只翻译实体数据,不包括公有属性如图层、颜色、线型等)。程序至少应能处理以下实体:POINT、LINE、CIRCLE、ARC、LWPOLYLINE。(DXF-SCR translator: it is able to generate entity part in DXF file by SCR file. It only translates entity data, excluding public attributes s