- 车牌识别系统 需要注意的地方: 使用VC++6.0做开发工具, 采用简单的SDI框架结构 ,一次处理一幅位图(有兴趣的可以作成MDI) 1)位图信息的数据是从左下往右下为一行,一行一行往上排的。 2)每行像素应该是4的倍数,不足的地方用空点补齐,读的时候注意跳过冗余点。 3)主要数据都存在Doc里面,BMP的主要数据存在一个由ImgData指向的BYTE型的内存空间(根据位图的大小,动态分配的)。 4)数据读进来以后,注意向
- Artificial vision library. Objectives are to make an OCR, fingerprint and face identification as some applications through a general purpose learning and pattern relationships algorithm (Currently performs very basic identification). -Artificial visi
- 这是一个在VC的环境下编写的小应用程序,随便选择一个汉字,然后输入背景字符,和前景字符,然后可以用这两个字符显示出这两个汉字-This is a VC in the preparation of the environment of small applications, choose any one Chinese characters, then the background characters, characters and prospects, could then make use
- 很经典的一部研究生模式识别的书籍,希望大家好好利用-Classic books on pattern recognition of a graduate, I hope you make good use of
- 能够提出视频关键帧,具有很好的视频分析功能,是一个不错的视频分析程序-Able to make the video key frame, with good video analysis, video analysis is a good program
- 车牌识别方法,对图像进行与预处理,使其为我们所要的尺寸,并进行HOUGH变换,使其更易分辨出来。-License Plate Recognition Method of images and pre-processing to make it for us to size, and HOUGH transform, to make it easier to be identified.
- 个人稍作改动的 关于 number plate detection 的源代码-Individuals to make a minor amendment regarding the number plate detection source code
- 对图像进行处理,源程序需要进行N步操作,故在工具栏上添加了一个按钮来完成所有的操作,希望能方便大家的使用。在facemodel文件夹中的facemodel文件是原始图片,识别较好。后几个图片是我从网上下的,但没有原始图片识别的好,仅供参考。 test2和test3只能通过菜单来操作,因为不能对其实现最后的识别,只有参考价值。希望这个程序对大家有帮助。-Image processing, source step-by-step the need for N, so the toolbar to
- 车牌识别系统,使用VC++6.0做开发工具, 采用简单的SDI框架结构 ,一次处理一幅位图(有兴趣的可以作成MDI)-License Plate Recognition system, using VC++6.0 to do development tools, SDI, using a simple frame structure, one to deal with a bitmap (who are interested can make MDI)
- It s a code that make a great formular
- 张正友的原版英文标定文章,值得我们做机器视觉的人深刻理解并学习运用。-Zhang is the Friends of the English original calibration of the article is worthy of our people who make a profound understanding of machine vision and learn to use.
- Edge Detection This demo finds the edges of objects in a video stream using the Prewitt method. You can double-click the Edge Detection block and adjust the Threshold parameter while the simulation is running. The higher you make the thre
- This progame is car racing game by using blue handle. In order to execute this program, u must have webcam and blue handle(U can make it by using blue paper or any blue material). If u click start button, u can start racing game and avoid obstacle.
- 先讀入膚色,非膚色的圖片,在將各張圖片由RGB轉成YCbCr。讀進來的時候,我是用四維的陣列去存膚色的圖片以及非膚色的圖片。第一個維度是用來存放有幾張圖片,接下來是解析度,還有幾個channel。讀進來之後再分別對膚色,非膚色的Cb,Cr來作統計。分別會得到Cb,Cr的mean和variance。再依次分別帶入Multivariate Normal Density的公式去求得膚色,非膚色出現的機率。最後再將得到的兩個機率值相除,得到的值,拿來和threshold值相比,藉此來判斷Input的圖的
- 中正指纹模块的指令文档,比较的好的资料,做指纹的可以-Chiang Kai-shek orders the document fingerprint module, comparing the good data to make the fingerprint can see
- 简单验证码识别,能识别字体公整的验证码,需要自己做库-Simple verification code identification, can identify the font of public integrity verification code, you need to make their own libraries. .
- 神手遙控 HandRemoteControl v1.1 讓你作簡報、看電影免用遙控器, 使用環境: 需搭配PC-Camera 請在亮度足夠環境 使用者距離Camera約2~5公尺,正面對Camera 使用方式: -執行本程式 -使用Power Point簡報時, 以手指均勻連續畫順時針可到下一張,逆時針可到上一張 -使用KMPlayer觀看電影時,以順時針可以快轉,逆時針可以倒轉 需安裝OpenCV -God Hand
- 一个很小巧的中文识别软件,非常适合学习研究-a small and useful ocr software. you can learn the basic ocr technology and stduy on it or eve you can make some change to fit your needs.
- 模式识别工具包,数学建模的好工具,大家一定会用的到的。-model use of math how to make masure and like it,will you ?
- 实时时钟制作lcd Clock make-Real-time clock production lcd Clock make