- OPENCV写的一个小程序 包括将彩色图片转成灰度图以及做阈值分割和主成分分析的功能-OPENCV write a small program, including a color picture converted to grayscale and make thresholding and principal component analysis of functional
- MFC结合opencv作出的实时人脸检测界面,经过测试,检测准确度较高-Opencv make real-time combining MFC face detection interface, through testing, testing accurate
- 利用OpenCV载入工程文件夹中的彩色图像,进行灰度转换,并将转换前后的两张图片同时显示出来。-Load color images in the project folder using OpenCV and make the grayscale conversion, then show the two pictures.
- 这是opencv2.0和2.1的完整参考手册(英文),还提供了emgu.cv2.0的部分使用手册,可以弥补opencv没有介绍的库函数。-This is a complete opencv2.0 and 2.1 Reference Manual (English), also provides emgu.cv2.0 part of the manual, you can not make up for opencv library functions described.
- opencv camshift 实现摄像头半跟踪 绝对可以运行 本人已经实现过 -opencv camshift finish half-auto track absolutely can be runned,i have make it
- VC2010可用,SIFT特征提取,并做两个图片的匹配,最终输出匹配点。适用于Windows操作系统。-VC2010 is available, the SIFT feature extraction, and make the two images match, the final output of the matching point. Applies to the Windows operating system.
- 接上視訊後,會先作環境背景的偵測定義出背景,此後可以從視訊畫面作即時的背景前景分割-Connected to the video, it will first make the detection of environmental background define the background, after which the video screen from the background of the prospects for real-time segmentation
- 這個是教你如何把從攝影機抓到的影像儲存成video-This tutorial shows how to capture a sequence of images from a camera and convert them to a video using ffmpeg. We make sure to measure the capture frame rate so that we can tell ffmpeg how fast the video should run.
- 在opencv的基础上,使用vc++编译的文件,制作自己需要的棋盘格,满足一般所需!-make chessboard by yourself!
- Live Chroma Keying Using OpenGL Texture, SDL, and OpenCV. Please configure the project s properties correctly to make the program compiles successfully.
- An OpenCV program to read a raw AVI video and save them as frames. Please configure the project s properties correctly to make the program compiles successfully.
- 神手遙控 HandRemoteControl v1.4 增加手掌五指輕晃,為KMPlayer播放/暫停指令。 讓你作簡報、看電影免用遙控器, 使用環境: 需搭配PC-Camera 請在亮度足夠環境 使用者距離Camera約2~5公尺,正面對Camera 使用方式: -執行本程式 -使用Power Point簡報時, 以手指均勻連續畫順時針可到下一張,逆時針可到上一張 -使用KMPlayer觀看電影時,以順時針可以快轉,逆時針可以倒轉 需安裝OpenCV -Hand of God
- make histogram color for image
- 学习opencv中文版,虽然有些地方不如人意,但凑合可以用-Learning opencv Chinese, can make do
- 前景检测算法,大家用来做人脸检测来使用,可以做必要的扩展-Prospects for detection algorithm, we used to use the human face detection, you can make the necessary extension
- An easy way to use svm in c++, here I build several classes in namespace XCUBIC, make it easy to combine your data in to matrix for svm use.-An easy way to use svm in c++, here I build several classes in namespace XCUBIC, make it easy to combine yo
- 几个opencv实例。如何用OPENCV 制作图像的分析。以及OPENCV在VC6.0中的配置,应用-Several opencv examples. How to make image analysis OPENCV. OPENCV in VC6.0 and the configuration, application
- 用opencv对特定格式的图片进行格式转换,生成所需格式的图片。-make picture format change with opencv
- 使用vs2008挂载opencv。使用两张image可以将其中一幅图像背景变得透明。-use video studio 2008 plus opencv to make the background become transparent
- 这是一个基于OFFICE组件的字符识别及OPENCV简单操作,图片路径需要自己进行更改,代码里面有详细说明-This is a component-based character recognition and OFFICE OPENCV simple operation, image paths need to make changes to their code which is described in detail