- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- 用于既有线纵坡拟合的工具,可以准确的通过最小二乘法拟合出具有最小抬落道量的坡度线-For both longitudinal line fitting tool that can accurately through the least square method carried out with minimal amount of drop-Road slope line
- 写一个函数并调用,解决一个小球从h米高度自由落下,每次落下后反弹回原高度的 一半再落下,求它在第n次落地时共经过多少米-Write a function and call to solve a small ball from a height h meters in free fall, bounce back after each drop to half the original height and then fall, seeking its first n second floor w
- 用于数值预报统计检验比例分析置信度检验落区天气诊断检验-The proportion of statistical tests for numerical prediction of weather confidence test diagnostic test drop zone
- 利用迭代法对每段的物性参数和压力降分别进行计算,从而计算垂直井筒中压力分布,并得出了物性参数压力降等随井深的变化规律-Iterative method, one important physical parameters and pressure drop were calculated to estimate the vertical wellbore pressure distribution, and obtained physical parameters such as pressur
- fortran语言的学习教程,零基础的可以下载,也有深度,搞数值计算的必须要看一下滴-fortran language learning tutorials, zero-based, available for download depth, engaging look at numerical calculation must drop
- This program computes the pressure drop for a fluid flowig through a pipe.
- 共轭梯度法 求解线性方程组的子函数 可以编程直接调用 可验证其误差下降速度和收敛性-Conjugate gradient method is used to solve the linear equations son function can be directly call can be validated the programming error drop speed and convergence
- 微分方程数值解的几种解方程方法代码 1.欧拉公式 2.解高阶方程 3.古典显式插查分格式 4.C-N格式 5.五点插分格式-Code of differential equations of several equations Euler formula for solving higher order equations to classical explicit insert check points format 4.CN format. 5-drop format
- 信号卷积运算的GUI设计 1、可任意输入两个信号源;卷积函数自己编写,不可用工具箱函数。 2、设计的GUI可计算 , , ,并以下拉列表选项的方式进行选择和计算结果的演示。 3、计算 ,要求参数a,b可调(即以文本框形式输入),并显示。 -Signal convolution, GUI design, can be arbitrary input two source convolution function to write your own, can not use the
- 油料传送系统的MATLAB的三维仿真程序。针对皮带运动各种情况分析。-This file contains a model of a simple fuel system modeled using Simscape and SimHydraulics. Pumps and valves control the flow between fuel tanks. The pressure drop along the fuel lines is dependent upon the elevati
- 动态规划算法实现的最长不下降序列,非常好的展现了动态规划算法的精髓-The realization of dynamic programming algorithm for the longest do not drop sequence, very good to show the essence of the dynamic programming algorithm
- 用Fluent VOF模型模拟单个小水滴落入盛水的水杯之中-Fluent VOF model simulations using a single drop falling into a water glass
- 高质量的线性代数库,在计算速度和易用性方面有着较好的平衡。-Armadillo is a high quality C++ linear algebra library, aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use. It s useful for algorithm development directly in C++, and/or quick conversion of research code i
- EGG DROP puzzle problem solution implementation in c++. One of the fundamental problems in Dynamic Programming.
- 1. 本程序使用模拟退火算法解决TSP问题 a) 初始温度确定方法 选取任意状态为初始状态。以1为起始温度,不断升温,直到模拟所得接受概率大于90 ; b) 温度下降 温度下降系数为 0.95; c) 每一温度迭代 选取固定迭代次数 100 * n; d) 终止条件 温度下降次数到达 800,或某一温度下解不发生改变; 2. 本机运行及编译环境 win7 旗舰版 SP1 MINGW g++ 4.8.1 -Simu
- 粒子群算法优化函数,得到问题的最优解问题。算法非常稳定计算掉落包看到-Particle swarm optimization function to obtain the optimal solution of the problem. Calculation algorithm is very stable package see Drop