- 把当前图形窗中已存在的任何字对象拖放到所需的位置;向当前图形窗输入字对象,并拖放到任何所需位置。 -align current graphics window which has been in existence for the drag and drop any object to the word for the position; current graphics to the window object input characters, and drag-and-drop to an
- 在图形窗口上创建一个(color)菜单项及其下拉菜单,下拉菜单包括Red,自定义,缺省三菜单项.-the graphics window creation of a (color) and the drop-down menu item menu, the drop-down menu includes Red, since the definition of default three menu items.
- Drop-Dead Simple Monte Carlo Codes 数个文件啊 好东西-Drop-Dead Simple Monte Carlo Codes several documents ah good things! !
- PID温度控制,实现温度升降,通过调节其中的Kp,Ki,Kd,可以改变响应速度,可以消除振荡,通过改变传递函数可以改变响应速度-PID temperature control realizes temperature s rise and drop.We can alter the rate of response and eliminate oscillating via adjusting Kp,Ki,Kd. We can also alter the rate of response
- 数学实验中的最速落径问题 A,B是不在一条铅垂线上的两点,在链接A,B两点的所有光滑曲线中,找出一条曲线,使得初速度为零的质点,在重力的作用下,自A点下滑到B点所需的时间最短 -Mathematical experiment steepest drop Path problems A, B is not a vertical line of two points, the link A, B two points in all the smooth curve, to find a cu
- Drop fall algorithm used to segmentate digits
- 关于Matlab课件,便于大家的学习和工作,是很好滴-On the Matlab software, to facilitate everyone' s learning and work, is a good drop
- 该程序模拟了降落伞的下降过程,其结果对于类似问题有借鉴作用。-The program simulates a parachute drop in the process, the results serve as a reference for similar problems.
- A differential pulse stripping method for the simultaneous determination of lead and tin is proposed. The procedure involves accumulation with dissolving of lead and tin on a hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE), followed by oxidation of dissolv
- 两个matlab编写的经典游戏 数独和俄罗斯方块 - MTETRIS Matlab Tetris (v1.1) To play this game, type: MTETRIS Controls (use numpad): [4] Left [5] Spin [6] Right [2] Drop alternatively, [A] Left [W] Sp
- FATHOM: A Matlab Toolbox for Ecological & Oceanographic Data Analysis by Dave Jones<djones@rsmas.miami.edu> http://www.rsmas.miami.edu/personal/djones This toolbox is a collection of Matlab functions and scr ipts I ve written for
- Ever got a movie subtitle file that won t match? Here is a code to correct time offset and speed of .idx, .srt and some other subtitle files. Drag-drop capable executable is also included.
- 这是一个MATLAB编写的机载空投精确制导*的全弹道仿真,包括空投段,巡航段,末制导段的仿真,且有详细的注释,值得研究。-This is a MATLAB prepared by dropping precision guided munitions on-board the full trajectory simulation, including the drop section, cruise segment, the simulation of terminal guidance,
- A very interesting game to play amongst two players....Requires a lot of logic-Steps to follow -Execute game.m -hit start button -play and enjoy:) Rules to play -In their respective turns,each player will chose a cell to drop ur tok
- 图像在传输或长期保存中会存在图像质量下降,此程序用来对此类图像进行复原-Image in a transmission or long-term preservation will exist in image quality drop, the program used to such image restoring
- 实现运用平滑算子进行掩膜,从而实现图像降质;频域增强与分析;高低通滤波器的设计。-Realize smooth operators are mask use, thus realize image drop qualitative The frequency domain enhancement and analysis The design of high-low filter.
- 图像加噪,平滑使质量下降;图像的空域增强;中值滤波器;-Image denoising, smooth added that quality drop Image airspace strengthened Median filter
- 矩阵化后,存储为系数矩阵的SPH程序计算液体旋转-Matrix Form SPH Saved in sparse matrix form for computing rotating liquid drop
- MATLAB GUI教学视频6:下拉菜单Pop-Up Menu的基本用法-MATLAB GUI instruction video 6: drop-down menu Pop-Up Menu of the basic usage
- Matlab code for pressure drop in porous media.