- 平面波从空气入射到石英玻璃中的P、S分量的能流反射率和透射率(Energy flow reflectivity and transmissivity of plane wave from P to S in the quartz glass.)
photonic crystalBandgap
- 能够计算不同排列情况下的能带结构,只需更给晶格常数,选择排列方式以及介电常数即可(It is possible to calculate the energy band structure under different arrangement conditions, only by giving lattice constants, arranging permutations and permittivity.)
- 主要用于计算最常见的二维材料石墨烯纳米带的能带结构(It is mainly used to calculate the energy band structure of graphene nanoribbons, the most common two-dimensional material.)