- Shorthand是一个强大的脚本语言,是专门为基于Web的应用程序设计的。它的语法简单直观易于学习。它的引擎可在所有的 Linux 和Windows平台的流行Web服务器上运行。它支持 MySQL 和ODBC,以便用最普通的数据格式化。-Shorthand is a powerful scr ipting language that is specifically for Web-based application design. Its syntax is simple and intuit
- Many many developers all over the net respect NASM for what i s - a widespread (thus netwide), portable (thus netwide!), very flexible and mature assembler tool with support for many output formats (thus netwide!!). Now we have good news f
- 这是我个人编写的simple语言词法编译器,希望对大家能有所帮助,绝对是原创哦-This simple-accidence-compiler is wirtten by myself, I hope that it will be helpful to everyone, its written of my own, in deed.
- 编译中的LL(1)分析方法的实现。对于输入的文法,判断其有效性,用LL(1)方法进行语法分析,并可判别输入的符号串是否为该文法的句型。 -compiler of LL (1) Method of analysis. The importation of the grammar, to judge its effectiveness, with LL (1) methods for syntax analysis, discriminant can input strings of symbols
- PowerToy是为方便程序员在命令行窗口中使用Visual Studio.NET 2003 中的各种命令行工具而开发的一个小程序。它在资源管理器的弹出菜单中增加一项[打开命令行窗口]。点击该菜单项后,系统会在资源管理器当前工作路径处打开一个命令行窗口,并在此窗口中自动设置Visual Studio的环境变量,如PATH。程序员在此窗口中可方便地执行Visual Studio.NET 2003中的各种命令行工具,如C++、C#的编译器等等。-PowerToy for the convenienc
- sdcc的win版本.是small device c compiler的意思.支持8051和z80.是一个遵循GPL的软件,不过他的库函数是LGPL的,允许商业联结,可以用在自己的软件里-sdcc version. C is a small device compiler mean. support for 8051 and Z80. following is a GPL software, but the library is LGPL. Allow commercial links, can
- 专门为65XX系列芯片设计的变异调试环境的源代码,自带代码加色系统,以及模拟调试环境-65XX series dedicated to the variation of chip design debugging environment of source code, code plus its own color system, simulation and debugging environment
- 压缩文法等价变换,输入一个文法,可以对其进行等价变换,很方便-compression grammar equivalent transformation, importation of a grammar can transform its equivalent, is a convenient
- 测试版H.264编码器:基于TI公司TMS320DM642芯片开发的编码器; 该编码器只适合测试其各种编码功能,不适合产品生产。 该编码器版权归本公司所有,下载该编码器后只能用于测试该编码器的使用说明参考基于<<DSP的Vis264视频编解码器V1.2>>(本网站可下载) -test version of H.264 coding : Based on TI TMS320DM642 development of the encoder; The
- 装DevExpress控件时很麻烦,总提示某某控件得先装才行。于是做了这个工具。稍改改就可以用于自己的控件安装了。-DevExpress controls installed when trouble is, the total suggested certain controls installed in the first degree. So did the tools. Slightly changed can be used on its own controls installed.
- 这是又一个C语言解释器, 我们可以方便地扩展其功能, 并将其用于我们的工作中-This also a C language interpreter, we can easily expand its functions, and used in our work
- 编译原理词法和语法分析,体内容是产生一个二元式文本文件,扩展名为dyd,可将Pascal程序(测试程序)分解成为一个一个的单词,并查“单词符号与种别对照表”得出其种别,用一数字表示,范围1-56(52-56分别对应保留字integer、real、boolean、char)。-compiler theory morphology and syntax analysis, body is a dual-generated text files, dyd the extension can be Pa
- 此次课程设计我的设计题目是:判别后缀表达式。其具体要解决的问题是: (1)假设表达式由单字母变量和双目四则运算符构成; (2)从键盘输入任意一个非空的表达式; (3)利用栈,判别输入的表达式是否是一个正确的后缀表达式; (4)把正确的后缀表达式转换为前缀表达式; (5)测试用例自己设计。 -current curriculum design I design entitled : distinguishing suffix expression. To solve the
- YACC和Lex集成开发环境,现在要找到它还真不容易,加上自己收集的一些例子,希望对大家有帮助.-integrated development environment, now find it really is not easy, with its own collection of some examples, and I hope to be helpful.
- This package consists of the executable (UCW), a default scr ipt file, this file, and the library files. It is important that the header files end up in a include subdirectory of the directory where UCW is found. If you unzip this file using
- Welcome to UnderC version 1.2.9w This package consists of the executable (UCW), a default scr ipt file, this file, and the library files. It is important that the header files end up in a include subdirectory of the directory where UCW is fo
- // Copyright (c), Philips Semiconductors Gratkorn // (C)PHILIPS Electronics N.V.2000 // All rights are reserved. // Philips reserves the right to make changes without notice at any time. // Philips makes no warranty, expressed, implied or st
- A framework written in Java for implementing high-level and dynamic languages, compiling them into Java bytecodes. An implementation of Scheme, which is in the Lisp family of programming languages. Kawa is a featureful dialect in its own right, and
- 构造接受语言{{}}的一台自动机,对于任意输入的一个字符串,模拟其运行过程,判断字符串是否接受。-structure acceptable language (()) of an automatic machine for the indiscriminate importation of a string, its process simulation, the judge whether to accept the string.
- 简单整型表达式文法按递归下降方式设计其编译程序,生成PL/0栈式指令代码,然后解释执行-simple integer expression by recursive grammar dropped to design its compiler, generating PL / 0 Stack-code instructions, and then the interpretation and implementation of