- 杀毒软件基本框架,利用这个可以开发自己的杀毒软件-basic framework of antivirus software, use of this could develop its own antivirus software
- 这是冲击波病毒的源码及其详解,可以通过它了解病毒的基本原理.-This is the shock of the virus and its source Hi, it is important to understand the basic tenets of the virus.
- Iexplorer专杀程序 能够较好的*和清除Iexplorer 病毒及其相关自动运行文件,能够识别它的多个变种.-Iexplorer the scrapping process can be used to kill and remove the virus and Iexplorer Automatic operation of the relevant documents, to be able to identify its variants.
- 这是金山卫士开源的代码,是金山开源计划的一部分,金山计划逐步开放其金山卫士的非核心代码,开放出来的代码有一定的研究意义-This is the guardian of open source code Jinshan, Jinshan Open Source is part of the plan, Jinshan Jinshan plans to gradually open up its code for non-core defenders, opening up the code out
- Clamwin号称最低功耗的“静音杀毒软件”。它占用资源非常小,以至于你感觉不到它的存在。是“组合式”杀毒软件使用者的最爱。ClamWin是一套功能非常优秀的免费防毒软件。它的体积非常娇小,不会占用太多计算机资源,不像其它防毒软件安装之后会拖累整台计算机的速度。而且除了强大的文件与电子邮件防护能力之外,它还拥有排程扫描、在线更新病毒码、及时侦测等功能,和市面上知名防毒软件比起来一点也不逊色!-Clamwin is known as the lowest power consumption of
- XueTr(简称XT)是一个强大的系统信息查看软件,也是一个强大的手工杀毒软件,用它可以方便揪出电脑中的病毒*,目前它支持32位的2000、XP、2003、Vista、2008、Win7系统。-XueTr is a free anti-virus&rootkit utility.It offers you the ability to detect, analyze and fix various kernel structure modifications and gives you a w
- 隐藏文件HkeRootkit 没写注册表和服务 放心测试吧 有兴趣再自己改良下-Hidden files HkeRootkit I did not write the registry and service assured test it Interested improved further
- WinHex is in its core a universal hexadecimal editor, particularly helpful in the realm of computer forensics, data recovery, low-level data processing, and IT security.
- Clam AntiVirus(ClamAV)是免费而且开放源代码的防毒软件,软件与病毒码的更新皆由社群免费发布。目前ClamAV主要是使用在由Linux、FreeBSD等Unix-like系统架设的邮件服务器上,提供电子邮件的病毒扫描服务。ClamAV本身是在文字接口下运作,但也有许多图形接口的前端工具可用,另外由于其开放源代码的特性,在Windows与Mac OS X平台都有其移植版-Clam AntiVirus (ClamAV) is a free and open source anti-